Drunkard Pacita 3

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'Dresses, so many to choose from.'
"The red one."
She said.
She always wants to wear a bright colored dress but she never tried to as it might invite trouble against some noblewomen.

A harlot who can only wear bright color dress at night to avoid the sensitive high society women.
How sad is that?

"Madame, what about make-up?"

"Go. Put make-up on my face."
She always used  cheap make-up and lipsticks. Making her lips crack if she used it for too long and sometimes pimples break out her young flawless skin.

"Madame, here is your jewelry." The maid puts it down.

"Good." She runs her hand around the sparkly jewelry.
"Wait. Where are you hiding my jewelries?"
She frowns.
Maids are just human.
What if they try to steal her jewelry?
Even she might get tempted if she knows where it was and how to get it.

The maid smiles wryly.
"They are hidden here in your jewelry cabinet."

Pacita frowns.
'Did I get too lucky to wake up in a super rich noble woman's body? What if I am the duchess? Wait….Then why is nobody's calling me Duchess? Am I the Duke's bitch? Is this the same country? Oh...Right...I am speaking the same language so I am in the same country. Which Duke has a new bride again? I forgot.'

"Put a lock in the jewelry cabinet. You can't be too sure." She said, looking at the maids.
She has one enemy maid who tried to fight her over a man. Like hell a harlot fight for a man? Are you kidding?

If he is that handsome, he would not ask a harlot to entertain him.

The maids all lower their head.
"Ah..Ah...Of course. We will tell the butler later."

"Heh." She felt elated with the new found power.
She has never thought that something like this is even possible?

Knock knock.

"Uh...Umm.. Madame, the Duke is waiting for you."

She stood up.
'Ahhh~~ The shoes feel so nice.'
She feels like the world is lulling her to a dream land 

"I will be right there." She said.
She can even walk with a cheap stiletto.
Something with assurance of quality, she can walk with them even in farmland!

The maids all look at the leaving Duchess.
"What happened?"
They all gather in one spot.

"Did you see her walk in those exaggerated high heels?" One maid frowns.

"Didn't she have a cold and scary temperament? What's the big change?"
They all gossip.

One maid frowns.
"What change? Look." She said. They all look at a red spot in a very white sheet.
They all understand.
The Duchess successfully consummate the marriage. So she can act however she wants.

The maids she passed by one by one can't help but look back as her hips sways from left to right.
Her confident way of walking is so elegant and beautiful.

Of course it is thanks to Pacita liking to look more refined and beautiful.
No woman hates to be beautiful.
And more beauty is very welcome.

When she walks down and knows that all her 'audience' are gaping silly, she flips that soft and long golden hair that makes her more elegant and charming.

Pacita paused.
She forgot to ask the maids what is her name and which Duke is this again?

The handsome red hair duke.
Does she know who he is?

'Red hair….Red hair and golden eyes…..I feel like I ….'

"Duke Irevelis?"
Her red eyes dilated.

Mito looks at her.
"How long are you going to stand there? Come here so we can start eating."

"Oh...Ah?" She is puzzled, confused and a bit scared but she has no other thought so she sat down.
After sitting down on the Duke's right side. Her eyes saw a small version of the Duke.

The boy looks back at her.
"Good morning Mother."

'Mother?!! What?'

"Ah!" She remembered now.

A/N :
So yeah...
Let's try to sleep.

Thanks as always, for reading❤❤❤

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