Bored Pacita 1

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Pacita slowly opens her heavy eye lids. She feels all her body tingling in pain.
"Urp." She forcibly sat up to vomit but there is nothing to throw up.
She gasps as she heavily breath.

The door slowly open and a maid drops the basin pull of water in the floor.

"The Madame is awake!" She shouted.

Pacita glances at the maid but she is too weary to call her for a glass of water.

She fell back to sleep.

Pacita once again open her eyes.

This time the pain is less than this morning.

She puts her arm to her throat and feel its dryness.

The maid gasps again interrupting Mito from his instruction.

Mito turns around and see Pacita's red eyes looking at the glass of water near her bedside.

He walks to her side and pour the water himself. Fearing she wont be able to hold the glass, he helps brings the water to her mouth.


"Ah..." some loose water drips her dry lips.

Mito wipes it witb his thumb.
"How foolish." He cant help whisper.

Pacita looks up and see the hunk man beside her.
"It's been two months?" She absentmindedly asks.

Mito cant help chuckle.
"It's been 2 weeks."

"Oh.." her face says she is confused why a man who should be back for 2 months is back after 2 weeks.

"You almost died and you still think I wont go back to see you?"

Pacita shakes her head.
She shakes it but really feel that the tyrant Duke has a lot of spare woman. Why would he bothers with a suicidal gal who drank poison thanks to her family?

"Dont worry too much. Just sleep some more." Mito puts her head back to the bed.

Pacita looks at Mito but find nothing to say.
"Welcome back My grace." She said, yawn and fell asleep.

Mito sighs and fixes her hair to the side.

He slowly looks around with the maids.
"Serve your Madame well."

"Yes, your grace."
They all bow in unison.

After visiting Pacita, Mito looks at his son in the study.

"She is awake just now. You didnt come to see her?"

Amadeus looks at hus father then back to the book..
"She would rather see you anyways."

Mito sighs and rubs his hair.
"Never blame yourself for anything. Human has their own reasons."

Amadeus nods.
"I know."


Pacita slowly regain her strength.
But after the first time waking up, Pacita didnt see even a shadow of the Duke. Be it for breakfast or dinner, he never come to join her. What bores her is Amadeus is also refusing to meet her.

"Waking up after almost the dying.....and feels so bored." She fears going outside. The first death is still terrifying for her. Now she doesnt even dare go out the garden for her second death.
Nobody told her about the woman dress in black or what happen to her family.
All they tell her is she needs to get better.

Pacita sighs and walks to the kitchen.

The kitchen stuff all gape at Pacita.
"I am so bored. Lets have a cooking showdown."

They all worried if her head get affected by the poison.

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