Amadeus's Laugh 2

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Paula and Arben are both shocked.
They didnt expect the Duchess to be such a woman. Her character is so hard to understand.
She is informal and it feels like talking to an uneducated person. But if you look down on her she will suddenly act accordingly to her position, it was mainly her face. Her face is really pretty.  Where ever she goes, she wont be any inferior to anyone.

The two realized that she is not so hard to like.
She talks with interesting topic and it seems...the Duke and Amadeus are her backer.

She may be lacking in vocabulary and flowery words but with the two willing to stand behind her nobody can find fault.

The two are now aware of the duchess position.
Its truly something admirable.

"So we will all visit the festival tomorrow night. You two should rest well, still tired from your journey." Pacita looks at them.

"Dont bother with us Duchess. We will be fine. Already enough rest." Arben shows his grin. People said his face is young and admirable. His wide grin are cute so he always have a grin in his face.

Pacita smiles.
"This child knows how to talk. Amadeus, learn from him a bit."

Amadeus snorts.
"I think Im fine."

"Amadeus is the best in our age." Arben shakes his head. If Amadeus one day wants to learn from him, would he be a laughing stock instead?

"He is too stiff. How is he fine?" Pacita snorts and pout

"Im handsome. So its fine." Amadeus said.

Arben and Paula are shock.
Amadeus can also say these words.

Pacita laughs.
"You are my son, how can you not be handsome?"

Amadeus smiles saying nothing.

Mito is just watching them. He cant even enter the conversation.
"He is my son too." Finally something to say.

Pacita and Amadeus look at him weirdly.
Mito smiles

Pacita giggles.
"Dear, you are the father of your son, can you even give me a chance to brag? Your faces are so identical. If we three walk side by side, wont I be mistaken to your maid?"

Mito snorts.
"Talking nonsense."

Pacita looks at the two guests.
"Well we will walk side by side. We three will be the servants. The two god-like beauty cant be compared."

Paula burst laughing. She tried to hide it but unable to.
Arben also laugh.

Amadeus feel embarrassed.
"Too much. It is making me lose face."

"Embarrassed? Thats good. See you blush and my heart is full."

Arben and Paula really stares at Amadeus blushing face. They thought he is made out of steel. Rarely make facial expression. But just arriving home for a few hours and he already showed so many rich emotions in his face.

What is the concern about the duchess and Amadeus? Isnt this what loving parent relationship shows?
The mother fully tease the young son. Its so sweet that the two even miss their own parents.
But the emotions cant be the same.
The duchess is casual and uneducated?
Its better than being too strict and unloving!

Mito smiles.
"Well, its not that bad to be the maid. I pay the maid a huge salary."

Pacita gapes at Mito. Then she nods.
"I like being the madame! The pay is better and I have a handsome man to hold me when Im cold."

"Magdaline!" Mito angrily said

Pacita laughs aloud.

The guests are shock and flushed.

Amadeus just each sighing but his lips betray him.
Curved upward.
He really font hate this noisy dinner.



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