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Alex's POV

I kept looking between Allie and Y/n. Y/n looks like she just saw a ghost meanwhile, Allie had a smirk playing on her lips.
"Oh yeah, I could totally see it." Allie says as she looked between the two of us.
"See what?" I asked.

Allie crossed her arms over her chest as I stood beside Y/n. "The romance. It's like, just there. There's like a scent like-"
"What? Sex? Cause that's-" I slap Y/n's arm making her smile.
"Oh yeah she's bold bold!" Allie points out.
Allie puts her hand on my desk as she continued to look at the two of us.

"I wouldn't put your hand there." Y/n says making Allie quickly move.
"Oh ew, sex table."

"Allie, just don't tell-"
"Kel-" I eyed Allie so she wouldn't reveal her name because I'm pretty sure Y/n would have connected the dots and I don't need any more drama or issues in my life.

Allie began to question Y/n about her age and our little sexual relationship that we have going on. I zoned out thinking about the mess I've gotten myself into.

I did this to myself and I couldn't help but to feel like shit. I checked my phone as it buzzed and I saw Kelley's name pop up.

Kelley 💍:
Hey, I'm going out of town for the weekend. I'll be with my parents. Something came up and yes I'm fine. Love you.

That's it. I only get a text to be informed that she's leaving me for the weekend? I sighed before tuning back into Allie and Y/n's conversation and Y/n was telling Allie about all the things she's done to the teachers here and how she made the last principal quit.

"Sounds like you have a handful on you." Allie says looking at me. "Yeah I do, weren't you going to have lunch with Tobin?" I ask Allie and she nodded before she grabbed her purse. "I will see you later. Oh and Al, the extra key?" I hand Allie the extra key to my apartment with Kelley.
Allie hugs me before telling Y/n it was nice meeting her and walks out of my office.

"So that lady? She's your-"
"Best friend."
"She's cool. I thought she was your girlfriend or something at first."
"Yeah I thought you would think that. And sorry about the diner I just didn't want to have all the questions come up and I shouldn't have shooed you away like that but-"

"It's okay, Al." Y/n says before smiling warmly. "Do you want lunch since Allie's gone? I can order us something." I offered. And of course she didn't turn it down because Y/n never turns down food.

. . .

Allie's POV

I walked into Alex and Kelley's apartment to grab my wallet when I bump into Kelley as I headed up to the guest room.
"Oh, hey stranger!" I say to Kelley who had a suitcase in hand. "Oh hey! What are you doing here?"
"I forgot my wallet, are you leaving?" I ask as I looked down at her suitcase.

She also had a bouquet of roses in her hand.
"Oh yeah, I'm going to visit some family."
"Alex isn't going with you?"
"She has to work."
"It's the weekend, Kelley. Schools are closed."
"I should really go before I miss my flight."

Kelley says walking past me.

Kelley stopped at the front door.
"Whatever it is you're doing behind Alex's back, it's fucked up and you should cut it out. She's been telling me how you've been acting and treating her for the past few months and it isn't fair to her. If you're doing foul shit, at least own up to it and say so. She doesn't deserve to be dragged along and I believe you and I both are on the same page because even if alex can't see what you're doing, I do. You aren't the only one making mistakes but, I'm pretty sure you've been doing shit behind her back for a while now."

Kelley chuckled before facing me completely.
"And what might that be, Long?"
"You know what I'm talking about. Why'd you bother proposing in the first place? You could've saved yourself some money."

"Look Allie, not everything Alex says is true and whatever she's told you, don't worry about it. Focus on your relationship." Kelley turned around and rolled her suitcase out the door before closing the door behind her leaving me standing there alone.

I know, Alex is blinded by love and I'm not trying to justify her actions but, she's in a tough spot. She wasn't getting affection from her fiancé so she turned away. She's in the wrong as well but, Alex has been complaining about Kelley for months. I just think she's afraid to confront her because of what could come from it. She doesn't want to lose Kelley.

Both of them are wrong.

.  .  .

Alex's POV

I laid in my bed alone. Kelley was gone and Allie was out with Tobin. I continued to think back on today and the past month with Y/n. I continued to contemplate if this is what I really want for myself.

Do I want to continue on with how I'm living? I'm living a lie. I'm cheating on my soon to be wife with a child. Y/n is 17 years old and I'm 23. What the hell is wrong with me?

Kelley has been distant and I can't seem to shake the thought that its my fault. But what did I do? I tried to think back over the past few months of our relationship to see where I could've went wrong and I got nothing. Maybe she's just having her own personal conflict inside and she just needs space.

Allie opens my bedroom door after knocking lightly.
"Hey we need to talk." She says as she laid across the foot of my bed. I brought my knees to my chest so she could lie down.

"I think Kelley is-"
"Allie, come on. Don't start that again. You've said that before and you were wrong. She wouldn't do that to me and you and I both know that."
"Al, is it that hard to see? Connect the dots."

"There are no dots to connect. And I get it, you're my best friend so you want to side with me and my wrong doing. I shouldn't be cheating on her and I've already been in my head about it. I'm probably going to stop seeing Y/n-"

"No. Yes you're wrong about how you've gone about things but, something in my gut is telling me that Kelley isn't as perfect as you think she is. Yeah, maybe old Kelley but stop being blinded by love and that ring on your finger. I'm telling you this because I care so, keep Y/n close. Trust me."

"Do you know something I don't? Where is your evidence?" I ask curiously since she's accusing my fiancé of cheating. I get it, I'm the one cheating and she's my best friend so she wants to protect me at all costs but wrongfully accusing my fiancé in hopes that I'll dump her is wrong.

Plus, Allie and Kelley have never truly gotten along. They're just cordial for my sake.

"I- I don't have any but Alex come on. You're not that blind are you?"
"I'm not blind at all. If you have any evidence of cheating, it's on me. It's all over my phone, all over my office. Just please, drop the situation and stop accusing Kelley. I know she's been an ass but trust me, she wouldn't hurt me. I'm hurting her and she doesn't even know it yet. Which is why I need to be honest with her, as soon as she comes back."

I have to come clean to Kelley soon. Lately, every time I'm with Y/n I feel so free yet, there's a piece of me that feels so dirty and it's like a big weight on my chest.

I have to come clean.

A/n: So, Allie confronted Kelley... do you think Allie is overreacting and should Alex actually take her advice and input into consideration? Big bombshell if Alex confesses 😗

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