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Alex's POV

"She looks healthy, and she has a big head, just like Y/n." Arizona said as she let us look at our baby girl on the ultrasound. Y/n and I were smiling like idiots. "Everything is right on track, your baby girl is healthy." Arizona smiled. "So once again, I will throw out the name, Arizona."

"Arizona, we already have her name picked out. There's no changing it." Y/n smiled.

"Just thought I would try. But we better head down for the new sign unveiling." Arizona said as she wiped the gel from my belly. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure the kiddos are driving Maggie crazy." Y/n helped me off the bed and we headed down to the main floor.

"Babe." I say getting Y/n's attention. She turned around and I placed her hand on my belly. "She's kicking." I smiled at Y/n's amused face. The past few years have been tough and we pushed through. Welcoming in a new baby boy a 3 years ago. This baby currently baking in my belly was it for us. I cannot carry anymore, it's too much work.

We went to the lounge of the hospital where we found Jackson and Maggie with the twins and our two year old son. "Ready?" Jackson asked as we all walked out of the room. Chandler was bouncing with joy as he saw Y/n. Charlie kept asking me if she could have ice cream after we finished the unveiling because she overhead Amelia talking about cake and ice cream.

Y/n picked up both of our sons as we walked to the lobby. I could hear Chandler asking her questions about surgery. I love how she is with our kids. She's so protective over them. She's that one parent always on the ground playing pretend with our kids, and even let Charlie do her make up the other night, even though she came out looking like a clown. I couldn't be happier. I swear, I fall in love with her more and more everyday.

Y/n's POV

I stood as we watched the new sign unveil at the hospital. We had already changed the name but, had yet to make it very official. I stood with my hand on the small off Alex's back. Charlie and Chandler stood in front of us mesmerized by the lights. I was holding our son in my arms as he kept touching my face for no reason at all.

Grey-Sloan Memorial Hospital.

"Thank you all for coming to the unveiling of the new and rebranded, Grey-Sloan memorial Hospital. Before we let you all go, we would love to have some words from our new Chief of Plastic Surgery and the child of our beloved surgeon's Dr. Mark Sloan and Dr. Lexie Grey, Dr. Y/n Grey-Sloan." I smiled at Bailey as I put my son down.

I looked at the picture of my mom and dad that we now had in the lobby by the sign and smiled. Oh how I miss them.

"So, this is a big day for those involved in the tragic accident that took my parents away from me and away from this family here at Grey-Sloan. I know, for those of you who knew my mom and dad, that you miss their radiating personalities, their love for each other that touched and inspired others, my dad's smile that could turn anyones bad day around. Although they are gone, they left a mark on each and everyone of us. I know, for a while after their passing, I was lost but, I found happiness in knowing that they were together again. Like my dad always said, they were meant to be. There is no way you could step into this hospital without passing either one of them by. We wanted to reflect all that they gave for this hospital by naming it after them. And me personally, I made sure I stayed the course to become the best plastic surgeon I could like my dad always said I could be. Anyway, thank you all for coming and hello, to the new era. This is, Grey-Sloan memorial hospital."

I smiled as I walked back off the miniature stage they had. I kissed Alex as I stood behind her. I looked over at my family. 5 of us and soon to be 6. I have everything that I could ever need. Although my parents are gone, I feel their presence everyday.

"Okay food time!" Cristina says as we all headed out of the hospital. We were going to Alex and I's house. We bought a new one, after I became Chief of Plastic Surgery at Grey-Sloan.

Let me take you through a quick overview of what's happened in my life since you last saw me.

Alex and I renewed our vows, I went to Medical School at Harvard, and for those of you that don't know, my mom went there. Had to represent her. Alex and I moved to Boston and then moved back after I graduated.

I got matched to Grey-Sloan and ultimately became an attending and then Chief. Alex also got a promotion and became the superintendent of the school district. Alex and I legally changed the kids' names to add Grey into the mix and Alex did the same.

We welcomed our third child like I mentioned, three years ago. Mark Everett Morgan-Grey-Sloan. We call him Everett though. Three kids is a circus. We weren't planning on having the fourth but, my babies slipped in during a vacation Alex and I took last summer. Oops.

Charlie and Chandler were super excited when we had Everett and were even more excited when we told them we were having a baby girl join the family. Everett threw a tantrum but at the same time, he still barely knows what's going on.

We settled all the kids at one table and all the adults began to pass the food around. Jeni and Jeri joined us along with River and Ava who are now engaged. Yeah, it only took them forever. "So are you two going to tell su what you're naming baby girl?" Meredith asks. "It's River guys, we already know." River smiled making me laugh. "Dude give up, you're already her God parent." "Well it'd be nice for her to have my name."

"Your name is ugly." I lied making River throw a green bean at my face. Alex shook her head as she laughed at our interactions. "Do you want to tell them?" Alex asked as she intertwined our hands. I nodded as I looked around the table. "Well, this fall, we will be welcoming Lexie Eleanor Morgan-Grey-Sloan." I announced making everyone cheer.

Alex and I agreed when my parents passed that we would honor them by naming our next two kids after them and we got lucky enough to have a boy and a girl.

To think it all started with me bumping into Alex in the hallway of my high school. Love really has conquered all. Who knew, I would fall in love with my principal and end up marrying her. Almost 4 kids later, here we are.

I leaned over kissing Alex's cheek as everyone began to talk amongst each other at the dinner table. "I love you, Principal Morgan." I whispered making Alex giggle. She hates when I call her that. I'm so grateful for everything I have. Love who you want to love. And like my dad said, If you love someone, tell them.

A/n: WE HAVE REACHED THE END! I love you all so much for allowing me to take you on this journey. I might go back and redo the ending of this story in the future but, thank you so much for reading my stories. For those of you that have been here since "Scoring A Morgan" I love you and appreciate you all so much! I've wrote through some hard times so thank y'all for allowing me to do so. For those of you who message me saying my stories help you get through your day, I will continue to write more! I'd love to connect with y'all more so hmu! Anyway, this has been a fun story to write and I can't wait to continue writing more stories for y'all. What was your favorite part of the book? DON'T FORGET TO CHECK OUT "Forbidden Love" on my page, follow for updates! Love y'all 3000🤍🥺

Rest In Peace, Mark Sloan and Lexie Grey 🤍🕊

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