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Y/n's POV

"So, I've been trying to tell you something for like the past week now."
"Yeah but what we're doing right now doesn't involve talking and it's the much better option." Alex said as she straddled my waist. We were in her office, back where it all started.

Alex cut me off with her lips and I was turned on but, I still need to see if she's fully okay with me and Jo pretending we're together. At this point, both of my parents aren't buying because they know me. If I'm in a relationship or screwing around with someone, it's very obvious. I don't hide my affection. I only do that with Alex because we have to. If it was up to me, the whole world would know we're together.

My parents don't take the whole thing with Jo and I serious and my mom keeps badgering me about what I'm hiding. My dad of course is picking my moms side at the moment so he's going along with her theory that I'm hiding something. I just want to make sure Alex is cool with Jo and I before we start getting touchy. Or more touchy I should say. I don't want it to come as a surprise to her.

"Alex, can we talk, as much as I want to rip your clothes off of you, and trust me I really want to, I think we should talk."
"Okay." Alex says before getting off of me and sitting beside me. "Did you finish your college apps? Also, I want to tell Jeni and Jeri about the baby and you."

"Yeah I finished them but that's not what I want to talk about, my mom-"
"You're telling your parents?"
"No, but they don't believe Jo and I so Jo thinks we need to step up our little fake relationship and she thinks I need to kiss her which could possibly seal the deal but, I didn't want to without telling you first."

Alex sat there not saying a thing. "Al?"
"Y/n, that's-"
"It's just until I tell my parents. This whole situation is a mess and I don't want to make a bigger mess and bring more attention to what's really going on. I'm pretty sure my mom will put me in a body bag if she found out and I just- I think things will be better if we wait."
"So you're cool with sticking your tongue down Jo's mouth for the time being?"
"Well when you say it like that it sounds wrong."
"Cheating is cheating Y/n!"
"Okay and it wasn't such a big deal when you did it right?"

"Get out." Alex says before opening her office door. "Al I didn't mean-"
Alex just points out the door and I sigh walking out. Guess I should've shut up.

.  .  .

Alex's POV

I sat in my office and I continued to think about what Y/n mentioned earlier about her and Jo. I get what the reasoning is behind it but, you tell me. Would you be okay with your girlfriend kissing on another girl? I get it, she's trying to protect us but, at what cost? Is it really worth it. This could just be her excuse to cheat on me with Jo and I hate myself for thinking that but, people have said she used to have a major crush on Jo.

I heard a knock at my door and said come in not looking up from my desk. I hear the door close and I pick my head up and see Kelley standing in my office. Great.

"Can I help you?" I ask with annoyance clear in my voice.
"I see you're still very pregnant." Kelley says with a smirk ridden on her face as she pointed at my belly. My bump was beginning to show and I'm close to the point that I can't necessarily hide it.
"What do you want Kelley?"
"A raise."
"Please leave my off-"

"That's not what I came in for actually. I need a favor."
"Why would I do anything for you?"
"Well you want me to keep your little secret about you having a relationship with one of our students and the fact that you're pregnant by her. Don't think that would go over great with the school district or the police."
"Are you threatening me?"

"Do you feel threatened?"
"What the hell do you want Kelley?"
"My mom is coming to town and you know, I couldn't work up the nerve to tell her that you cheated on-"
"You mean that you cheated on me and you were cheating on me for months before I slipped up because of your lack of attention and affection?"

"Whatever Alex. We don't need to get technical but I need to come over with her at least for the weekend and we need to act like-"
"No, I'm not doing that. And I'm busy this weekend anyway. I don't have time."
"Well that's perfect, she only needs to see us together a few-"
"Kelley just tell your mom the truth and stop hiding Emily. Pretty sure she's tired of being in my shadow after all this time, right?"

"Like you've told your family that you're with Y/n and that you are pregnant by her?"
"Stay out of my business. I'm not your concern anymore."
"Okay well, let me put it this way, I think my student is in danger and is being sexually abused."

I turn my head to Kelley quickly before standing up and walking over to her.
"Don't you dare. You and I both know you don't give a shit about Y/n! Leave her out of this and leave me out of your fucking games Kelley. Be an adult and move on. You have no idea what's going and you keep sticking your nose in shit, you didn't pay this much attention to me when we were together so don't try doing it now."

"Think about your kid alex."
"I'm always thinking about my kid and my family is none of your business. It's no ones business but Y/n and I's."
"You really want Y/n to raise the kid by herself when you're behind-"
"Jesus Kelley. Yes, I will aid you in lying to your mom, just get the hell out of my office."

Kelley smiled before walking out and all I wanted to do was cry. What would you have done? She's threatening to go to the police and I can't risk that. Now I feel bad for being upset with Y/n about the Jo situation.

. . .

Y/n's POV

I walked into the lounge and walked over to the couch where Jo sat before laying on the couch with my head in her lap. "Addison is a work horse and this week I am failing to keep up."
"Welcome to the life of a surgeon." Jo said as she stroked my hair. I sat up before sitting up to look at the scans she had in her hand.
"What's that?" I asked.
"A tumor, I'm doing a subtotal gastrectomy. Wanna watch?"
"Hell yeah!" I said as the door opened and I could hear my parents, Addie, and Mere.
"Oh look the lovebirds are here." My dad smiled as he grabbed some coffee.

"We were actually just about to leave. Jo's doing a subtotal gastrectomy and I want to watch."
"We have a baby to deliver."
"I've seen you deliver babies all day, time for a switch up."
"So you're giving up on me? I'm double-board-"
"Please don't bore my kid with your slogan Montgomery. She wants to watch her girlfriend at work, I used to do the same with Lexi."
"And you looked like the creepy old dude. What was it that Derek said? Keep little Sloan out of little Grey?"

"Meredith, look at where that got us. We have a daughter."
"Okay well I will see you in the OR." Jo said and I knew this was the point in time that we had to seal the deal. I leaned in and kissed her which she deepens before pulling away and smiling.

Addison and Meredith were wide eyed while my dad smiled giving me a thumbs up.

I feel so dirty.

.  .  .

Lexie's POV

Mark and I came home early after my surgeries got pushed back and decided to clean up around the house. I walked into Y/n's room to grab her laundry and straighten up. Surprisingly, her room wasn't what I thought it would be. Usually there's clothes on the floor because she's always in a rush to get out of here.

I picked up some of her clothes putting them in the hamper and hung up her hoodies when I dropped a bag in the closet.

A onesie and an ultrasound. The onesie was from River, Ava, and Hailey. I-


A/n: Hi, no I don't know if I'm back for sure cause school is killing me and I want to cry but uh here you go :) don't know when the next chapter will be out but I love and miss y'all so please, HMU, tell me some funny shit idk :) but what y'all think happening next :) I want all the theories

𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐈𝐏𝐀𝐋 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐀𝐍 [Alex Morgan |GxG]Where stories live. Discover now