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Alex's POV

It would be underselling it to say that Y/n hasn't been the same since her parents died. I've been strong for her. It's been almost a year now. After the funeral, since we had Mark and Lexie buried together, it's been tough. She's been taking this really hard, as you would assume. I've been trying to minimize any stress for her. The twins have been helping, it's like any time she's with them, she's smiling. I've just been trying to let her know I'm here.

She hasn't been as intimate with me but I can tell she wants to. I just know, the only thing on her mind as of late is her parents. I have been trying to deal with it all. It's like things have changed so quickly for us.

River and Ava try to get her to go out with them or just go have some time away from the kids and I and it's just, it's nothing. She won't do anything. I walked into Meredith's house and sat with her, Derek, and Addison.

"I honestly don't know what to do at this point. She won't open up to me. She says she's fine and I know she's lying. She's been drinking a lot, the only time she's remotely sober is during the day so she can be with the twins but, I'm worried. I've been trying so hard and now I blame myself because maybe I should've done something different for her to feel-"

"No, don't blame yourself. You haven't done anything wrong. She lost both her parents in a matter of days. Her mom, she didn't even get to say goodbye because, well, we all know Lexie was gone before we flew back here. Let me talk to her." Meredith offered and I nodded as Derek handed me a tissue.

"It's just, I'm tired of the arguments. We argue about everything and I try not ti be mad or upset but, when does my feelings come back into play? It's like she's not my wife anymore. I don't get to cry and be hurt. She makes a big deal out of everything. I'm just tired and I can't help but to be afraid that, if I leave her alone, she'll hurt herself."

Addison, Derek, and Mer just nodded their heads. I knew it was hard for them to see her like this too. It's been a constant battle. She used to be the brightest light in basically all of our lives and it's like, once Mark and Lexie died, she died too.

. . .

The kids had finally went to sleep. It was probably a bad idea to let them have candy before they were supposed to go to bed. But, come on, they gave me their little sad eyes and I just couldn't resist. I decided not to burden Y/n with the task of putting them to sleep because it was my own wrong doing that made them little energizer bunnies.

I walked into Y/n and I's shared bedroom and collapsed onto the bed as she laid there scrolling through her phone. "Babe, can we talk?" I asked. I found myself getting slightly irritated because I knew what she wouldn't want to talk or just didn't want to hear what I have to say. I groaned as I sat up and took my shirt off and quickly changed.

"Y/n, I just feel like you and I are disconnected. We haven't been the same us and I feel I've been patient with everything that's happened and this new person you've become, I just, can you pay attention? Seriously, Y/n, I'm trying to have a serious conversation with you-"

"I hear you Alex."

"I don't think you do, every time I've tried to talk to you about how I'm feeling and how you make me feel nowadays, you just seem to tune me out or it goes in one ear and out the other. What do I have to do to help you because smoking and drinking and only slightly paying attention to our kids isn't cutting it. If you want to say "fuck you" to me, go ahead but don't-"

"Why is everything about you, Al? And I don't "slightly pay attention" to our kids. They're the center of my world, my most important priority."

"So, I'm not a priority anymore? We're married Y/n."

𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐈𝐏𝐀𝐋 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐀𝐍 [Alex Morgan |GxG]Where stories live. Discover now