Chapter 32

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I again had the honor of escorting out new security around the school. I knew that Frankie was letting me do it because I had been getting bored of my classes. M was perfectly capable of showing Tao and Takio around himself. Still, I enjoyed getting to spend time with them, or at least I was until the same girl who had caused me to nearly lose control of my powers before spotted us.

She sauntered up to us with a few of her friends at her back. M tensed behind me. “Did you pick up some new lovers, Lin?” she asked in a sickly-sweet voice. “Or are these guys family friends, too?”

I kept my voice polite. “These guys are family friends, actually. My brother and them grew up together.”

She rolled her eyes. “No one believes you, slut. Everyone talks about you and your lovers behind your back because they’re too scared to say it to your face. But I’m not. You’re nothing more than a two-face whore. Nobody cares about you. Your own brother doesn’t want you.  He feels pressured to keep up an image, so he lets you stick around. If I were him, I’d let you rot in an orphanage. You are nothing.”

“I think that’s enough out of you,” Takio said, coming to put a hand on my shoulder.

“Aw,” she crooned. “Is one of your lovers standing up for you? Are you too scared to do it yourself?”

“Nope. I just don’t feel like wasting time on you. Let’s go, guys.” I started to walk away.

A hand knotted in my hair as she attempted to pull me down to the ground. I barely flinched. In one fluid motion, I grabbed her arm and twisted it behind her back. “I think it’s time for you to visit the chairman,” I whispered in her ear. I stared down her group of friends. “You all can come, too, if you’d like.” They all scattered.

I marched the girl to my brother’s office, passing several students as I did so. The girl’s face was red, and she was screaming obscenities. Still, no one bothered to help her.
My brother was standing up when we entered the office. I shoved the girl away from me hard enough she hit the floor. I hear M stifle a laugh behind me. Frankie pinched the bridge of his nose. “Rai-Lin, what is the meaning of this?”

I bowed to him. “This girl decided to attack me verbally and physically. I thought it best she be brought to you, chairman.”

“I didn’t, sir. I didn’t,” the girl screeched. She was a sobbing mess on the floor.

“Well, we can easily see what happened. There are security cameras throughout the school. One of them should have caught the encounter. If you will follow me.” Frankie led the way to the room where a security guard monitored the school grounds.
I was smirking the entirety of the time we watched the footage. It was obvious what had happened. There was no way the girl was getting out of this.

Frankie frowned at the girl. “I have no choice but to suspend you for attacking another student,” The girl began wailing, and Frankie had to speak loudly to be heard over her. M covered his ears. “You will return with me to my office where I will contact your parents. Rai-Lin, please go to your class.” I inclined my head to him and my other brothers before leaving.

To say Frankie was not happy with me when I arrived back at the house was an understatement. He was fuming. I was currently sitting on the couch, watching as he paced back and forth, yelling about how reckless it was to take out my anger on another student. I sighed, tapping my fingers on the table. I had stopped listening half an hour ago.

The front door slammed, but Frankie kept going, not paying any attention to Raizel, who had just entered. At least he wasn’t until, Raizel quietly said, “Frankenstein.”

Frankie froze before bowing deeply. “Master.”

“Leave, Rai-Lin alone. She was defending herself like we taught her to do.” Raizel’s eyes were hard.

“Yes, Master.” Frankie turned on heel and left the room.

I stood up and stretched at the same time Tao, Takio, and M entered the house. “Phew,” Tao said. “I thought he was never going to stop.”

I cocked an eyebrow at them. “We you all waiting outside this whole time?”

Tao scratched the back of his neck. “Frankenstein is scary when he’s mad.”

“You all haven’t seen anything yet,” I smiled and sauntered over to Raizel, kissing him on the lips. “Thank you for saving me.”

He smiled. “You did nothing wrong.”

“Tell that to Frankie.”

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