Chapter 53

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I was dozing from where I stood behind Raizel. Frankie had called a meeting a little bit ago, but I hadn't listened to a word that had been said. I hadn't slept in nearly four days. I just hadn't had a chance between the KSA agents showing up and the children coming over. I was absolutely exhausted.

My head dropped as I began to sway, falling asleep on my feet. Raizel sent me a concerned look as my head snapped up. I had been suffering from a headache the past few hours, which would give a painful throb every time I was close to sleep. That was a warning sign I should have heeded.

The voices came on me all at once, and I immediately knew that I should have gone to sleep hours ago. Tears streamed from my eyes as I doubled over. The pain in my skull reached a crescendo. The voices were loud, so loud. Voices from all over the world, all speaking at once. Some were even voices of the dead, the dead which my dark weapon had devoured. They screamed as they tried to take over my body.

From somewhere far, far away, I head Takio ask if I was all right. I couldn't answer as I slid to my knees. I bit my tongue to keep from screaming. The coppery taste of blood filled my mouth. I was shaking, struggling to keep the voices at bay. I couldn't let them take me over. I couldn't. But it was hard, so hard.

Everything was slowly disappearing. The last thing I was aware of was the ground beneath me disappearing before I found myself standing in my mind. I was surrounded by people. They were all talking, yelling to be heard. Their hands reached out to me as they tried to drag me down. I fought, but it was not enough. I was sinking. My mind started to become something not my own.

That's when I heard it. An angelic voice piercing through the screams. Come, my love. Do not give up. I know you are stronger than this.

Raizel, the small part of my mind that was still my own cried. I thrashed against the hands holding me. I would not leave Raizel, not when he needed me. I could imagine his face if I died. He had lost so much. He did not need lose anymore.

With a yell of exertion, I broke free of the hands that held me. With all the mental strength I had left, I pushed the voices back and locked them in the furthest corner of my mind. They were not going to surface again for a long time.

With the voices gone, the world slowly came back into focus. I felt drained and weak, so it was a good thing I found myself lying in my bed with the blankets wrapped around me. There was a damp cloth on my sweaty forehead. My hand was being held in a tight grip. I looked over to see who was holding it. It was Raizel, his red eyes shining with worry and a bit of...fear.

"Raizel," I breathed. "I'm sorry to have worried you..."

"Ssh," He squeezed my hand. "Save your strength."

I nodded and closed my eyes. I opened them when I heard the door open. Frankie came in, looking relieved. "Rai-Lin, you gave us quite a scare."

I swallowed. "Are the others okay?"

Frankie smiled. "They are all right. In fact, they are all gathered in the hallway outside your room. I fear M might wear a hole in my floor from all the pacing he's been doing."

"Would you...Would you let them in? I'd like to see them before I fall asleep." I looked at my brother pleadingly.

The smile still on his face, he reached behind him and opened the door before stepping out in the hallway. He returned a few seconds later with the rest of the household behind him. M rushed to my side and took my other hand. Tao and Takio were right behind him, while the nobles hovered near the door. "Your hand is so cold," M said in surprise and worry.

I was too tired to launch into an explanation as to why my hand was so cold, so I glanced at Frankie. He understood what I wanted immediately. "Her hand being cold is a side effect of what just happened."

"Which is what exactly?" Takio asked.

"As you know, Rai-Lin has an array of powers, more than any other modified human to date has. Her telepathy has the stronger pull over her than her other powers. That is why she sleeps every couple of days; it is to keep the telepathy from taking over her mind. She hasn't slept in more than three days I would guess, which allows the telepathy to attempt to take over her mind. I should have noticed she hadn't been sleeping and for that, I am sorry, Rai-Lin."

"Not your fault," I croaked. "You aren't my babysitter. I should have slept. I knew what would happen if I didn't."

"Well, you should sleep now before your telepathy decides to attack again. Everybody, let's let her rest." Frankie began to herd everyone out of the room, but not before each of the little brothers dropped a kiss on my forehead. A sleepy smile pulled at my lips. I was out before they exited the room.

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