Chapter 50

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Well, everyone, we've officially made it to chapter 50! (Technically, it's chapter 51 if we count the prologue, but I'm not going to. This is the chapter that has the number 50 in it). I want to say thank you all so much for your support along the journey that has been this fic. And it isn't over! I still have several chapters left of what I had written from before they locked the webtoon. I just thought I would celebrate this milestone with all of you. Your votes and comments have kept me going with posting this fic. Your feedback means the world to me, and I am thankful for everyone who has read and enjoyed this fic as much as I have enjoyed writing it. So without further ado, let's get into this longer than normal chapter.



Next day's dinner was interesting to say the least. Seira cooked again, which was nice because it had been so long since I had cooked, while the children played games with the others. Takio and M weren't playing because they were washing dishes, though I was pretty sure they were okay with that because the losing team had to choose a member to get flicked in the forehead.

As the kids were explaining this to Regis, I noticed Seira making the motion with her hand. I smiled and walked over next to Takio and M before a loud sound reached my ears. I whirled around to see Seira hiding the fry pan she was holding behind her back. There was now a large hole in the middle. It didn't take me long to put together what had happened. I snickered as Tao tried to cover for her.

My eyes slid over to Frankie, who was looking as if he might have a coronary. You should relax a little, brother. You can always buy a new frying pan. Besides, I think Seira feels bad enough as it is.

You try to relax when people are breaking your stuff. Frankie sent me a deadly look.

I do since what's yours is mine.

I don't recall making that a rule. His mental voice was angry, but I could see the hint of a smile on his lips.

You didn't. I did. And with that, I broke the connection and began to watch the children play their game.

Ikhan ended up losing. As a result, he was flicked in the forehead, luckily not by Seira. That could have been bad. I giggled as Ikhan got mad at Shinwu, who cowered back in fear. Being sneaky, I crept up behind Shinwu and flicked him in the back of the head. He flinched, hand going to his head. Shinwu whirled around to glare at me. I smiled innocently. "It looked fun, so I thought I'd give it a try."

"Yeah, well, you're supposed to do it after you win the game," he grumbled.

"But I didn't want to play the game. I just wanted to flick you." I giggled before flouncing off to sit next to Raizel. He gave me a glance that was a mixture of reproachful and humored. I only grinned.


More modified humans were exactly what we didn't need. I felt them enter the school from my place next to Raizel. I stiffened, casting out with my mind to if they intended the school any harm. If they did, I would be the last thing they ever saw.

I didn't sense a hostile aura around them, but I still connected my mind to Frankie's. Two modified humans just entered the school. They don't seem hostile but be careful. I don't trust them.

I will make sure they are eliminated if they become a threat.

Don't leave me out of the fun. I teased.

Wouldn't dream of it.

I broke the connection to find Raizel studying me with concern. I quickly relayed the content of my conversation with Frankie to him. He frowned, his eyebrows coming together. I laid a hand on his arm to reassure him. Frankie and I can handle two modified humans, not to mention the little brothers, Regis, and Seira. The strangers wouldn't stand a chance.

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