Chapter 40

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I walked back into the storage compartment on the plane where I knew Tao, Takio, and M were hiding out. When were they going to learn that they weren't sneaky? I could hear them scrambling for places to hide as I neared the door. Foolish boys.

I opened the door quietly and slipped inside. The boys were still in the middle of the room since there was nowhere to hide. They all looked up at me in terror, babbling about how sorry they were. I held up a hand as I caught sight of something. I smirked. "Nice pillow, Tao."

Tao laughed nervously, scratching the back of his neck. "We really are sorry."

"No, you're not," I said. "You're just lucky I didn't tell Frankie. He would lose his mind."

"Thank you," they all said.

I walked up and cuffed each of them in the back of the head. "That's for sneaking on board this plane. If I had been paying more attention, I would have noticed it before we took off and sent you home. Do you have any idea how disastrous your presence could be? You saw how much Rael hated modified humans. Most of the nobles will hate you all just as much if not more. We don't need a war on our hands. It is not a war we would win."

All three of them lowered their heads. "We just wanted to help," M said.

My gaze softened. "I know. That's why I haven't told Frankie," I paused. "Speaking of Frankie, he'll be wondering where I went. When we land in Lukedonia, stay on the plane unless I tell you otherwise."


Well, the plan of the three little brothers staying on the plane went out the window as soon as Frankie decided to crash said plane. I yelled at him as it started to tilt downwards, but he couldn't hear me over the wind whistling through the door he had opened. His eyes widened as I took off towards the storage area, but I was too late. The plane hit the ground hard enough I nearly blacked out.

My ears were ringing as I felt a hand pull me away from the ground. I blearily looked up to see Raizel carrying me away from the wreckage. I started to squirm against him. I had to get to my little brothers.

Raizel looked down at me. "Rai-Lin, what is wrong?"

"The little brothers were on board that plane," I said, and his eyes widened. "I have to get to them. I have to make sure they are all right."

Raizel had finally stopped walking. He sat me on my feet, his eyes grim. "Go to them," He pressed a kiss to my forehead. "And be safe."

I kissed him gently. "I always am." I sprinted back to the wreckage.

By the time I arrived at the plane crash site, the Central Knights were already crawling all over the scene. I noticed my little brothers being tended to. I let out a sigh of relief. They were still alive. I blended into the shadows and followed them to the hospital they used for humans who were harmed in crashes.

I lounged outside it for a while, trying to figure out how to get in without alerting the Central Knights. It would be tricky, especially with trying to get the little brothers out. I'd have to knock out three of the Central Knights for their outfits. No, this wasn't going to be easy at all, but it was doable.

Right as I was about to go in, the door creaked open. I melted back into the shadows only to notice the familiar purple hair that belonged to Takio. I fell in step behind them, noticing that Takio and M were carrying something heavy. They didn't notice until I said, "Good thing you all got out of there when you did. Less work for me," Tao went to scream again, but I clapped my hand over his mouth. "Do you always scream when you're scared? It's very annoying."

Takio and M whipped around, ready to attack, when they saw it was me. "Rai-Lin," Takio greeted as I let Tao go. "What are you doing here?"

"Keep walking, and I'll tell you," We resumed walking. "You didn't honestly think I was going to abandon you, especially after my idiot brother decided that the best thing to do was jump out of the plane instead of landing it somewhere close? I'm sorry for that by the way. If I had known that was the plan, I would have warned him about you."

"It's fine," Takio said. "We're all okay. That's what matters."

"Yeah," I glanced at what the suits they were wearing. "Why are you wearing suits?"

"They're our uniform." Tao puffed his chest out proudly.

"For what?" Seeing that Tao was about to go on a spiel, I backtracked. "Nevermind. The less I know the better."

"What are you talking about?" Tao said slyly. "You're part of our group, too."

"And what group would that be?" The question was careless, though I was actually curious about what I was about to be dragged into.

"Raizel's Knights. You're going to be NO. 0. I even got you a suit." Tao dangled a bag with a suit in front of me.

I sighed. "I have no choice in the matter, do I?" Tao shook his head, while Takio and M smiled from beside me. I took the bag. "Fine. I'm wearing the suit on over my clothes, though. No way am I changing in this forest where Central Knights could come out of nowhere and see me in my undergarments. That would be mortifying."

"I'm sure none of them would live to tell the tale," M snickered.

"Probably not." 

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