Chapter 14

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Heyo, everyone. I was just popping in here to say two things. 

1) Thank you so much for over 2,000 reads. I never thought this story would do as well as it has. It makes my heart happy to know that people are enjoying this little book. 

2) I recently opened a public Instagram. It's called spewingmythoughts, and it's pretty much just that. Right now, it's mainly pictures of nature, but there are also posts about my Korean notes and my BTS pops. I hope to add more diversity to it in the future, but it would be really awesome if you all would check it out. I'll leave my profile picture down below. Now, onto the story!

 Now, onto the story!

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The children came by to visit the next day, meaning I didn't get much sleep. I sat on the couch, nursing a cup of tea, as they chatted around me. Yuna had the decency to ask if I was okay to which I replied I had stayed up all night. She seemed to sympathize with that and left me alone. Thank goodness. I might have murdered them all otherwise. A small chuckle came from Raziel's mind.

Now though, a day later, Raziel, Frankie, and I were sitting down having tea without any interruptions. At least we were until Raziel's eyes turned into slits. I knew that expression. "Frankenstein," Raziel said.

"Yes, Master."

"I have a bad feeling."

I called forth the connection between me and each of the kids individually. Nothing seemed out of place. "I don't feel anything wrong with the kids. They must be safe," I said.

"All right," Frankie seemed relieved. "Just keep tabs on them."

"Yes, Frankie."

Turns out I didn't need to do that. The children showed up not long after. So much for peace. They brought out board games, which I grudgingly played. It wasn't until Shinwu tried to touch Raziel that I lost it. My hand snapped out to grab Shinwu's wrist before he could touch Raziel. My voice was deadly as I said, "Touch him, and even your martial arts training won't be able to save you." They backed off after that.


Not long after the children left, I started to get a headache. I knew what that meant. I went to reach for the children's minds only to find them blocked off. That meant one of two things. They were either unconscious or dead.

I jumped off the couch and started for the door. Frankie moved to block my way. "What's going on?" he asked.

"I can't reach the kids," I said, and he paled. "Stay here and see if the strangers call. I'll see if I can't find them."

Frankie nodded. "Give them hell."

I went to move only to find Raziel blocking my way this time. "Be safe." He pressed a gentle kiss to my forehead before moving out of my way.


I had just picked up the kids' trail when I noticed Shinwu's presence flicker to life in the back of my mind. I sagged with relief. He was still alive at least. I grabbed onto the thread, pulled it to the front of my mind, and let it lead me to where the children were.

I appeared just outside the area the thread had led me to, quickly melding into the shadows. . All three of the kids were conscious now, though Shinwu and Ikhan were bleeding. The silver haired man stood in front of them. "There's no other way. Calling him is the only way you guys will get out of here safe and sound."

As much as I was itching to engage right there, I knew I needed to wait until they called Raziel. He needed to know where to come. I would wait to act until I saw that the kids were in real danger.

After the kids' phone were smashed, I noticed the vampire and Shinwu make eye contact. Apparently, Jake did, too. "Hey, you," he called. "Two of you have a problem to solve?" My time was about to come.

The grey-haired stranger stepped in. "Jake, don't make things worse before the kid gets here."

"Why not? I was getting bored-"

I stepped out of the shadows. "You were getting bored. How unfortunate. We simply cannot have that."

Jake's back went ramrod straight at the sound of my voice. "You," His voice held cold fury.

"Hello, Jake," I drawled, "It's nice to see you again. I only wish we had time to fight. Alas, my enemy is that pesky vampire who is intent on attacking my friend. You understand, don't you?" I picked at my fingernails. Drawing himself up to his full height, Jake started towards me. I wagged my finger at him. "Now, now, what did I just say? I don't want to fight you yet."

Jake's breathing became labored. "Oh, really? How about I get rid of the vampire? Will you fight me then?"

I looked him up and down. "I'll consider it."

"I'm really tired of that mouth of yours." With that, he sent a blast of power straight at Shinwu.

Shinwu went flying back, blood spurting out of his mouth. Jake went to attack again, but I moved between him and the kids. I struck his chest with the palm of my hand, sending him flying back. My eyes shone with fury. "How dare you touch my friends?"

Jake got to his feet, laughing. "That's what I wanted to see. Now, attack me."

I let the blue leak out of my eyes. I was at a disadvantage here since I wasn't sure whether the strangers would be on my side or not. Best to keep them talking. "I told you once. I'm not ready to fight you. I still have to fight this guy." My head jerked towards the vampire.

Jake growled before using his power to send the vampire flying into the wall. It laid there unmoving. I didn't recall Jake having that power before. It was unnerving how far humans had come.

Eyes fixed on me, Jake growled. "Will you fight me now?"

I could see no other alternative. I put a bubble of blue energy around the kids before smirking. "I guess I can spare a little time for you." And then, I lunged.

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