Chapter 48 ✔️

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Dear Diary

So I started working at the library. Shocker. I know. Well it was the only option mom gave me otherwise I would be homeless. So here I am. In the library. Not reading a book. God no. The only books I've read was prescribed books for school. That's it. I at least thought that working at the library required some sort of book knowledge but mom pulled a few strings. She knew I would hate it here. And I do. I really need to figure out my next steps because there is no way in hell that I'm staying in this town. I need to take back control over my life. But it's easier said than done. I've lost all control. And it's my own fault.


" Ma'am."

What is so interesting about books? It's basically a bunch of words that are smashed together, hoping to make sense at some point. It's filled with high expectations and lies. What's to like about it?

" Ma'am."

And don't get me even started on the formal language most authors use. I can barley understand the basics, even though English is my home language , but why go all extra with fancy words?

"Ma'am!" someone says while raising their voice a little louder to catch my attention.

" Can't you see I'm busy?" I ask not looking the person in the eye but instead focusing on my phone in my hands.

I hear a groan coming from the said person before I hear something slam onto the counter I'm leaning against. I look up at a girl that is probably in her late twenties. She looks irritated. Not as irritated as I am right now.

" I would like to return these books." she says through gritted teeth before spinning around and walking out of the library.

I feel all hope, for getting through this day without punching someone, drain from my body. My ribs are still sore from my accident and now I have to carry these damn unnecessarily heavy books to their isles.

That's not even the worst part. The books are organized in alphabetical order. Some books have more than one copy and so I should make sure to organize them from the newest to the oldest.

Before this can even start I have to scan the books so that the system knows that the books have been returned. Then I have to page through a few pages to ensure there isn't any harm done and then I can start organizing them.

It's a lot of work for a stack of books that you could easily find online.

No hate to the bookworms out there. I just prefer to spend my time not surrounded by books.

As I start typing in the needed information into the system my mind betrays me by thinking back to what happened in South Carolina.

It's been 12 days since my car accident.

It's been 288 hours since I saw my friends.

It's been 17 280 minutes since I saw him.

It's been 1,036,800 seconds since my whole world came crushing down in a matter of a few minutes.

After I was fully conscious after two days since the accident, bad news only came pouring into my life. I was cut off, I wasn't allowed to see my friends or even say goodbye to them as a matter of fact, I was forced to sit with my mom in a car for what felt like days when it really was only a few hours and then I was forced to start working at the library.

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