Chapter 42 ✔️

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" What the hell happened in here?!" I cry out as I can literally feel my body cringe from the sight in front of me.

Flower sprinkled over the floor and on top of the counters. A few broken eggs are left in front of the fridge while something is dripping out of the cabinet right next to it. Pots and pans are seen everywhere I look. Right in the middle of all this mess are 5 guys, dressed in what I fear are only aprons, with guilty looks on their faces.

" We're making breakfast." Zac squeeks out as soon as my eyes narrow in on the joint in his hand.

That's why it reeks of weed in here.

They are smoking without me?

" You're making breakfast while smoking a joint?" I ask in disbelief.

All 5 guys' eyes grow twice their size when they swift their attention to the joint in Zac's hand. I swear I can see Jackson gulp from being caught red handed.

" I-"

" We can explain - "

" Please don't tell Kylie-"

" I don't want to sleep outside-"

" It was just one-" they start bickering back and forth. I hold up my hand to silence them.

" At least share." I say rolling my eyes.

I notice the 5 of them relax knowing that I won't go off on them. I'm not that bad am I?

As long as they know they are cleaning up all this mess.

After taking a few pulls from the joint I let the boys be and make my way up to the master bedroom where the girls are getting ready for today. By girls I mean everyone except Gabby.

" So Ally -" Trish speaks up cutting Emily and Samantha off from their chatter.

" What's going on between you and lover boy?" Trish questions.

I was wondering when this question would come around. It's just one of those things which is impossible for me to skip.

" Oh well you know he pays me good -" I stop when I see their horrified expressions. Once I burst out into a fit of laughter they visibly relax.

" God Ally don't do that." Emily laughs punching me on the arm.

" In all fairness, I don't really know what's going on. We're acting like a couple and doing all the things couples do, yet we aren't a couple? It's confusing and now that I'm thinking of it, it's actually bothering me. " I admit.

I haven't thought about Tyler and I basically being in a relationship but at the same time not being in a relationship. Why hasn't he asked me to be his girlfriend?

" Maybe he's just waiting for the right time to ask you? " Samantha shrugs, hoping to make me feel better.

" Honey don't get your hopes up." I hear Gabby's irritating voice from the bedroom door.

She struds in as if she owns the place. Her hand trails along the fabric of a couch nearby before she cringes and focuses her attention back on us.

" Who the hell-"

" Listen you little sneaky bitch- I've only known you for a good 5 minutes and I can barely tolerate you as is. So unless you want to end up with a few broken nails I would suggest you to leave us the fuck alone. You got that?"

We all stare wide eyed at Kylie's bluntness. I've barley heard her speak a full sentence and here she is putting Gabby in her place.

I like this girl.

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