Chapter 53 ✔️

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Leukemia is a cancer of blood-forming tissues, delaying the body's ability to fight infection.

Many patients with leukaemia don't have symptoms and only start showing when it's too late.

Today, the average five-year survival rate for all types of leukaemia is 65.8%. That means about 69 of every 100 people with leukemia are likely to live at least five years after being diagnosed.

I stare back at Tyler with pure shock. He was acting up because of his dad's illness. I know it must have been hard for him, still is, but maybe if he had told me back then, then I could have been there for him instead of thinking about what a shitty person he is.

Maybe I should have urged him more to tell me what's going on instead of being a brat.

Would the whole new years eve incident have been avoided if I just pushed him a little harder?

" Tyler I'm so sorry -"

" Don't." he cuts me off. " Don't say you're sorry. Everyone says that they're sorry but where does that leave me? Is 'sorry' going to scare away my dad's cancer? No it's not. So stop saying sorry for shit that you didn't cause." he continues.

Rage starts building up inside of me from the way he is talking to me. I push the anger back because I know he is hurting. He's struggling to cope with his new found reality and he's taking it out on the people he's close to. I'm all too familiar with that method of coping.

" I'm not saying sorry because your dad got sick. It won't bring you anywhere, I know. I'm saying sorry that I wasn't there for you and that I didn't push you into telling me what was going on. I'm sorry that I'm a terrible person who jumps to conclusions instead of coming to you. I'm so sorry Tyler. " the last part comes out nearly above a whisper.

I take a step towards him and grab onto his hand.

" I'm here now. " I say as my free hand circles around his neck making him look at me.

" And I'm not leaving. " I promise while wiping away a tear that has managed to escape his eye.

Seeing him so vulnerable is absolutely terrifying. If someone had to tell me a few months ago that Tyler Anderson would be crying in front of me I would have fainted from laughing too hard because it's hard to imagine him even being capable of such an emotion.

He's a private person. He only shows what he allows you to see. He might look like the perfect guy from others point of view but he has flaws of his own. I didn't fall for the muscles or the dimples or the wealth, I fell for all his flaws. Flaws that are so perfect in my eyes because it's what makes him the Tyler Anderson I know today.

" God I'm such a whimp." Tyler breathes out after a quiet minute.

" You're not a whimp. You're just human." I say pulling him in closer.

I feel his body shake from light laughter. Before I can asks what's funny he closes his arms around my body and pulls me in tighter.

" Look at you becoming all soft on me." he chuckles.

I move away from his hold so that I can look him straight in the eye.

" I'll still kick your ass." I warn him.

" That's my girl."


Keep calm. You're too cool to freak out about some silly old line.

Oh what the heck? This man will kill me with all the butterflies he gives me.

Look at you becoming all cheesy -

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