Chapter 15 ✔️

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" You've gained weight." mom greets me as I step out of my car.

Gee thanks mom.

" College life." I answer as I head for the trunk to fetch my over night bag.

Mom gives me a kiss on the cheek as I head inside. I'm surprised that she's actually at home for once. Well it's still early in the day so we'll see how long that'll last.

" I hope you're hungry. I made pancakes." Mom announces as I come down the stairs and walk into the kitchen.

My stomach grumbles as soon as the smell of pancakes invade my nostrils. I nod my head excitedly as I sit down at the island. Mom pours me a glass of orange juice as I start digging into my breakfast. I notice the intense stare I'm receiving from my mom. Can't a girl eat in peace?

" Yes mom?" I ask taking a sip from my juice.

Mom shakes her head but continues on staring. First, she hasn't left the house to go to the hospital which she usually does when I'm around. Secondly, she made me breakfast which never happenes. Thirdly, she's just staring at me.

" I've only been gone for a month. I still look exactly the same." I sigh as her eyes start to tear up.

Is she on her period too?

" You're father and I are getting a divorce." she blurts out.

My grip loosens around my knife. It makes a loud noise as it hits the plate. The room grows silent. I can hardly register what my mother just said as the words refuse to make sense.

My parents are getting a divorce?

The words finally seem to have meaning to them.

Now it makes sense why dad is not here nor answering my calls. It also makes sense why I'm getting this special treatment all of the sudden.

" What?" I choke out as I gain the ability to speak again.

Mom shakes her head as a soft whimper leaves her mouth.

" I'm s-sorry baby." she sobs.

My eyes tear up as I see her tear stricken face. I don't know what to do. Usually it's me mom has to calm down, not the other way around. I stand up from my chair and slowly walk over to mom. She basically falls into my arms as soon as I open them.

I feel like a pillow today. First Emily cried on my shoulder and now it's mom's turn. I should start charging them.

Oh grow up already my conscience scold.

Like I said before, I get really awkward in situations like these.

" It's not your fault mom. Sometimes things just don't work out." I whisper into her ear after a few minutes of her just crying on my shoulder.

" We tried w-we really did. But after -" she can't finish her sentence as another whimper leaves her mouth.

" It's okay mom. I'm okay. " I try and comfort her.

Am I okay?

Why do I feel numb?

Mom's phone starts ringing from the counter. It's like a switch turned off in her brain because she immediately shoots up, wipes her tears, and answers the phone in monotone.

" It's the hospital. They need me." she announces before she heads out of the kitchen.

And just like that the old mom is back.

After she left I finally come to terms that my parents are getting a divorce. I don't cry, yell, sulk or do anything. I'm numb. It scares me if I'm being honest. Once you reach this stage where the pain doesn't affect you anymore is when you know you've been through some shit.

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