Chapter 13 ✔️

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Dear Diary

I don't believe in love at first sight. I believe in hate at first sight yes but love... No. I guess I just haven't found that right person yet. Not that I'm looking for him don't get me wrong. I enjoy being single. Not having to constantly worry about keeping the other one happy and continuously asking for permission before you do something. Not exactly my cup of tea. I love that I can go out and get drunk without being judged. I love meeting new people without an obsessive boyfriend going into labor. I've been in my fair share of relationships but it always ends just before something good can come of it. I just don't have the patience to deal with some people's crap if I'm being honest.


I look up from my diary as soon as I hear a knock coming from the door. Walking over to it I quickly unlock it and swing it open.

" I brought wine." Zac greets as he lifts up 2 bottles of wine.

" And I have vodka." I smirk as I let him in. I shiver from the breeze that comes from the corridor. Someone probably left open a window.

I invited Zac over for a little sleepover. I'm sure Emily won't mind Zac sleeping in her bed. Anyways like I said, I'm terrified of storms because anything can happen at any time and Zac seemed like the perfect person to invite over.

" Just no chick flicks. I may be gay but I'm still not watching that shit." Zac announces as he throws his belongings onto Emily's bed.

" I'm not a fan either so don't worry about that one." I chuckle as I pull on a gray hoodie from my wardrobe.

We decide on ordering pizza as I simply refuse to head out in the storm. Before the pizza could even arrive we started drinking. It's just the two of us so who the hell is going to stop us? Unfortunately for us we didn't have anything to mix the vodka with so we settled on drinking it dry. Not the best choice but eh who's judging? Probably just Emily's stuffed unicorn but I turned her around to face the wall.

Soon enough the pizza arrives and we attack it like it's the last drop of water on earth. Loud music is playing in the background and the room is filled up with our laughter. Thanks to the music and booze I managed to forget about the storm that's going on outside.

Zac is great company. I seriously don't know why we haven't hung out before. I don't want to say I feel more comfortable knowing he's gay and he won't try and get it on but I don't want to lie either. All in all he makes me laugh and that's all I need.

" Confession time. What's going on between you and Tyler?" Zac asks as he hands over the bottle of wine to me. College girls don't have wine glasses. Only shot glasses. Sue me.

I accidentally burp and burst out laughing. I blame it on the wine.

" Nothings going on. He's just a big flirt. " I shrug as I take a sip from the almost finished bottle of wine.

Zac quirks his right eyebrow indicating that he doesn't believe me. I reply by rolling my eyes.

" Confession time. When did you realize you were gay? "

Zac takes a deep breath in before taking another sip from the wine.

" I guess I just always knew. It became more clear once I started high school and ever since then I've been certain that I don't find girls attractive. " he shrugs.

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