Chapter 17 ✔️

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" Emily."

No answer.

She's being kind of rude at the moment.

I glare at her from my bed. She's laying down on her bed scrolling through Instagram while ignoring me. I never thought I would beg someone, especially Emily, to talk to me but look where we are now.

" Emily please talk to me."

She sighs and continues on scrolling. After I got home from taking Twinkle back to Gabby a week ago she's been giving me the famous Silent Treatment. I know she wasn't ready to give the dog back but I was doing it for her own good. I saw how attached she started growing to the dog and I needed to put a stop to it before things got out of hand.

Emily not talking to me pisses me off. I even asked her a few days ago if she could do my hair for me, which rarely happens, and she just got up and left. Then the other day I offered to grab us lunch and wanted to know what she wants to eat and she still ignored me. The girl holds a strong grudge.

You'd think I killed the dog by how's she's acting.

" Tyler kissed me." I blurt out.

No he didn't kiss me. He wouldn't have his balls if he tried something like that again.

Yeah right.

" Really?" Emily shrieks as she puts down her phone and turns towards me.

Of course this would get me a response out of her. Why didn't I think of this sooner?

" Ah-ha! I made you talk to me so now you can't go back to ignoring me because you broke the Silent Treatment." I smirk.

I watch as her face drops. I swear I can see her eye twitch. She shoots me a death glare.

" Damn it." she whines.

At least she's talking to me again.

" Listen I'm sorry I tackled you - "

" And straddled me. " Emily adds.

I roll my eyes but let out a chuckle. Just thinking back to that day cracks me up. Tyler and I make a good team.

" Yes and that but you have to understand I was only trying to protect you because... "

Emily quirks her left eyebrow.

" Because what?"

I sigh. I'm really going to say this. She has to forgive me after hearing these words coming from my mouth.

" Because you're my friend and I care about you. " I mumble.

I watch as Emily's eyes bulge from my confession. A huge grin creeps up onto her face as she jumps up from the bed and tackles me into a bone crushing hug.

" You called me your friend!" she exclaims loudly in my ear.

She's forgiven me. I hate having to live with a roommate that doesn't even acknowledge me. I prefer the bubbly Emily over the quiet one anytime.

Emily starts talking about Ashton and how Gabby keeps giving him the flirty eye. She gets cut off when there's a knock on the door.

"Who's that?" I question as Emily gets up from the bed and walks over to the door.

" My niece." she shrugs as she opens the door.

A little girl runs into the room and starts jumping on the bed. She doesn't look older than 4. Emily is talking to someone by the door while the girl keeps jumping on the bed and exclaiming how excited she is to be here. In all this I'm sitting on my bed with a horrified expression.

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