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They pull into the parking lot and Faline sticks her head out of the window.

"Come on Malia," Faline says. "We don't stay young forever"

"Kol does," Liam says.

"Shut up," Faline says, rolling her eyes.

"Is he going to be there tonight?" Scott asks.

"He should be," Faline says. "I mean he is a senior"

"Sorry we're late," Faline says, opening the door and Malia presses a kiss to her friend's cheek before climbing in.

"There's no space" Liam complains and Faline sits in Malia's lap. "In that case, I'm sorry too"

"You do remember I own a gun right?" Mr. Tate says.

"Vividly," Faline says.

Scott and Stiles both turn to Malia.


"Did you find out yet?" Stiles asks.

"Find out what?" Liam asks.

"They're gonna email me," Malia says.

"Is this about summer school?" Liam asks.

"You told him?" Malia asks.

"Oh no," Liam says. "All they said was you had to go to summer school 'cause the principal said your test scores weren't good enough and you might have to repeat junior year"

"Thank you for that Liam," Faline says, harshly punching the boy's thigh.

"We should have left him chained to the tree," Stiles says.

Faline stays at reception with Malia as Stiles and Scott take Liam to his stepdad.

"You're freezing," Malia says.

"And you're warm," Faline says and the girl wraps her arms around her.

"No no way" Faline hears Scott say.

"Faline," Stiles says. "If you and Malia were going away on holiday and I told you. 'Don't worry, go have fun' What would you think I was talking about?"

"Fun like bowling or sex with other people?"

"We'd probably hook up," Malia says and all three teenagers look at the girl who shrugs.

"Okay, yeah," Scott says. "Now I'm worried"

Scott leaves to go and get Kira and the others to climb in the jeep.

"Okay," Stiles says. "If the two of you were to hook up, what would that look like?"

"Like this" Malia says before pressing her lips to Faline's whose eyes widen.

"Okay," Faline says. "Well that just happened"

Malia smiles at her.

"If you weren't with Stiles," Malia says. "I'd totally make you my girlfriend"

Faline just gapes at the girl in shock as they pull into the school parking lot.

"Nothing from Scott or Kira," Malia says.

"Nothing from Lydia either," Faline says.

"And I still don't know if I passed," Malia says. "I don't want to do this unless I'm actually a senior"

"Yeah," Stiles says, wrapping his arm around Faline. "Uh-"

Malia had leaned forward and began sniffing him.

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