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Faline, Lydia, and Stiles look around at their surroundings as they walk through the hazy streets of Mexico.

"This doesn't seem so bad," Stiles says to his girlfriend and their friend.

"It's not the town, it's the plan," Lydia says.

"She has a point," Faline says. "If they don't take the offer then what?"

"What's wrong with the plan?" Stiles asks.

"Stiles, this could be the stupidest plan we've ever come up with," Lydia says. "You're aware of that, right?"

"I'm aware it's not our best," Stiles says.

"We are going to die-" Lydia says.

"Are you saying that as a banshee or you're just being pessimistic?" Stiles asks.

"It's hard to be optimistic," Faline says.

"I'm saying it as a person who doesn't wanna die," Lydia says.

"Okay, then would you mind restricting any talk of death to actual banshee predictions?"

"This plan is stupid and we're going to die," Lydia says.

"Oh, thank you," Stiles says.

The trio stops outside of a door that was guarded by two men.

"Is this the location of the party?" Faline asks in Spanish and the man shakes his head.

Stiles pulls out a card with a decorated skull on the front. The man looks up to the security camera and Stiles holds up the card which sounds like a buzzer and opens the door.

"Very modern for people who still ride on donkeys" Faline comments.

Stiles follows his girlfriend inside to reveal a long red corridor with a door at the end. They all jump when the door slams shut behind them. Stiles hesitates outside of the door and Faline throws it open to reveal a room full of people.

"See it's just a party," Faline says. "We don't have to worry until the Calaveras get us"

"Not relaxing," Stiles says as they begin making their way around the dance floor.

Stiles hovers a hand behind his girlfriend's back as Lydia grips Stiles' jacket, none of them wanting to get lost in a club owned by people who managed to catch Derek Hale. They stand at the bar and are handed shots. Stiles reaches into his pocket to grab some money when a hand clamps on his and Lydia's shoulder, trapping Faline in the middle.

"No, on the house," A man says. "Most American teenagers don't cross the border to refuse a drink"

"We didn't come to drink," Lydia says as she drops a bullet into her shot glass.

The trio sits in front of Araya Calavera, nervously looking around.

"Severo hates this music," Araya says. "Me? I've always loved the music of youth. This kind especially. It has savage energy"

"We're here for Derek Hale," Faline says, getting impatient.

"Is that so?" Araya asks.

"We know you have him," Lydia says. "We've heard you can be bought"

Stiles stacks money onto the desk.

"It's fifty thousand for Derek," Stiles says.

"Now, where does a teenage boy get money like this?" Araya asks. "Japanese mafia?"

Lydia jumps as they cock their guns but Faline leans back in her chair, nonchalantly.

"Not smart to come alone," Araya says.

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