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Peter perches on the end of the couch, watching over the girl he used to feed when she was a baby.

Faline's eyes move behind her eyelids and her breathing picks up, her heart rate soaring.

Faline watches as Lydia walks to the outdoor swimming pool where a body lay in the water. Faline watches as Lydia turns the body over and reveals a CPR mannequin. Lydia then turns and the two girls look up, both of them letting out screams. Both real on opposite ends of town. On the lifeguard's chair is a boy by, his throat cut and blood was oozing out of his throat.

Peter covers himself as the windows shatter as Faline screams. Her eyes remain closed as the lights flicker and burst, sparks showering him.

Faline hears a hissing, gravelly voice and she turns to see one of the most horrifying creatures she had ever seen. It was a person but they were covered in scars their skin was ribboned and it had no lips. There were no eyelids or eyelashes on its eyes and it stares at Faline. Faline lets out a horrified scream as it reaches for her.

Faline's screams go from shocked to horrified, wailing in terror as her body thrashes.

"Faline" Peter shakes her shoulders but the girl just falls limp in his arms. "Faline?"

Her body jerks before she leans over and heaves, dirt pouring out of her mouth.

"What the-?" Peter says, grimacing slightly.

"My body is rejecting the artemisia," Faline says wiping her mouth, coughing a few times.  "I've got to purge it or it's going to be bad, I'll have no control over my magic"

Faline is cut off by water spewing from her mouth and Peter's eyes widen, holding back her hair.

"What do I do?" He asks.

"We need to flush it from my system," Faline says. "You just need to be here to stop the bleeding"

"What bleeding?" Peter asks but is cut off by Faline using a knife from her bag, slicing deeply up her arm and green gas drifts out accompanied by blood.

Once all the gas had left, Peter wraps up Faline's arm tightly in bandages as the girl's eyes flutter tiredly.

"I'm glad you're alive, even though you're a dick" Faline whispers and Peter smiles.

"Thanks, Doe," Peter says.

"Call Stiles" Faline whispers.

Doe was the nickname Peter had given Faline as a baby and she grew up with it. Faline smiles as her eyes close. Peter lifts her and places her in Derek's bed before he walks out, closing the door.

Peter looks at the mess on the floor.

"Derek's loft, Derek's problem" Peter grabs his phone. "Why do I even have his number?"

Peter holds his phone to his ear.

"Peter? What do you want?"

"Faline wanted me to call you," Peter says.

"Is she alright?"

"Well seeing as dirt and water have spewed from her mouth, I'm going to go with no" Peter says.

"What? What happened?"

"I'm not entirely sure," Peter says. "Derek bought her back and she said she needed to purge the artemisia from her system-"

"What is she doing now?"

"She's sleeping"

"I'm on my way"

Stiles bursts into Derek's loft and looks at the floor, on the floor was dirt, water, and blood.

"She's in Derek's room"

Stiles bursts in and looks at his girlfriend who looked the most peaceful he had seen her in a while.

Stiles strokes his finger down her face but is then sucked into her mind

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Stiles strokes his finger down her face but is then sucked into her mind.

Stiles blinks as he takes in his surroundings. He was in the Reserve but even though it was day, the forest looked evil. The trees' branches were reaching out for him, their curled fingers snagging on his shirt.

"Faline?" Stiles calls.

Stiles hears a scream in the distance to see Faline staring at Matt, his face was decomposing but it was bloated and blue from where he had drowned. But what was strange was that Faline was trapped in a ring of salt with Matt, the boy was reaching for her.

"HEY!" Stiles shouts. "LEAVE HER ALONE!"

Matt grabs Faline and the girl screams as his grip tightens.


Faline looks to see Stiles.


"It's not real" Faline whispers before her voice rises to a scream. "YOU'RE NOT REAL"

Faline closes her eyes allowing Matt to kill her as he does in every dream as Stiles watches.

Faline gasps awake and finds Stiles sat next to her.

"Hey" Faline whispers.

"You're still having nightmares about Matt?" Stiles asks and Faline shrugs.

"A few"

"A few?"

Stiles lies back and Faline rests her head on his chest as he plays with her hair gently.

"Erica?" Faline whispers and Stiles shakes his head.

Faline's face crumples as she begins to sob, gripping Stiles' shirt as she cries.

Stiles' phone rings and it's Melissa.

"I'm coming," Faline says, grabbing one of Derek's shirts and one of his old jackets.

"But you-"

"I'm going," Faline says, wiping the tears from her face before walking out of the door.

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