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Faline watches as they pull up to the video rental store.

"Now Hoosiers is not only the best basketball movie ever, it is the best sports movie ever made" Jackson tries to argue.

"No," Lydia's tone was flat.

"It's got Gene Hackman and Dennis Hopper,"


"Lydia I swear to god you're gonna like it," Jackson says.

"Just hurry up and pick a film," Faline says.

"No," Lydia says to her boyfriend.

"I am not watching The Notebook again," Jackson says and Lydia gives him a look.

"Faline sweetie," Lydia says. "Go and help him find The Notebook"

"How fucking stupid is he?" Faline mutters.

Faline climbs out of the car and turns to Jackson.

"You're not watching The Notebook again, huh?" Faline teases. "You really stood your ground there"

"Shut up" Jackson mutters giving her a playful nudge as they begin looking through the store.

Jackson rifles through the films as Faline just follows texting Scott and Stiles in their group chat.

"Can somebody help me find The Notebook?" Jackson asks as the telephone rings. "Hello? Is anybody working here?"

"I just say let's take the movie and go," Faline says. "It'll be in the romance section"

"You gotta be kidding me," Jackson says when no one responds.

"Jackson" Faline points at a pair of feet on the floor next to the ladder. "Maybe he needs help"

Faline steps forward and lets out a small scream of horror as she stares at the murder scene in front of her.

"What?" Jackson asks and his eyes widen and he pulls Faline close to him as they stare at the man on the ground.

The store worker was slumped over, his throat slashed and blood was pooling on the carpet.

The pair move backwards and knock into the ladder which trips the electricity and the store falls into darkness. Faline's entire body tenses up when she hears a low growling.

Faline turns very slowly and her eyes lock on to it. The creature she had been drawing since that night in the woods, the Alpha.

Jackson pulls Faline behind a shelf of movies, the only noises being the crackling wires and their breathing. Jackson peeks around the corner and quickly jumps back. The boy covers Faline with his body as some movies fall from the shelves.

"Move!" Faline shouts but the shelf falls on herself and Jackson. Jackson's legs get trapped but the shelf covers Faline.

Jackson freezes as the Alpha steps closer. The Alpha traces the marks on the back of Jackson's neck before running away.

"HERE!" A voice shouts and officers lift the shelf to release Jackson before they help Faline to her feet.

Faline sways slightly as they help her towards the nearest ambulance where the paramedics begin checking her over. Faline is handed a cold compress to hold to her head.

"Stay here," The Sheriff says to his son but Stiles spots a familiar figure sat in the back of the ambulance.

"Faline?" Stiles quickly exits the car and rushes over to her.

"Hey, Stiles," Faline says giving him a small smile.

"Are you alright?" Stiles takes the compress from her hands and places it on her head.

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