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Faline joins her two friends in the locker room as Coach Finstock speaks up.

"Let's go!" Coach Finstock calls. "I have an announcement. Gather round. Quicker! Danny put a shirt on. Stilinski, Michaels that means you"

"I'm not even on the team," Faline says.

"You spend enough time in here to be a nonplaying member" Coach says. "Like Stilinski. Let's go, Gather round. Listen up. Police are asking for help on a missing child advisory. It's a sick girl, roaming around, totally naked"

Boys laugh and whistle and Faline scoffs in disgust at their behavior.

"Now it's supposed to get below forty degrees tonight," Coach says. "I don't know about you but the last time it was that cold and I was running around naked, I lost a testicle to exposure"

Faline presses a hand to the end of her nose to hide her amused smile.

"Now I don't want the same thing happening to some innocent girl"

"That's not anatomically possible," Faline says.

"Police are organizing search parties for tonight," Coach says. "Sign up, find the missing girl, you get an automatic A in my classes"

"But" Faline calls. "If a single one of you lays a hand on Lydia that is unhonourable in any way. I will personally hunt you down and cut the offending hand and your dick off, okay?"

The boys all nod and Faline smiles.

"Glad we understand each other boys," Faline says.

"If Lydia wants to take a naked hike in the woods," Jackson says. "Why should I care?"

"Jackson," Faline says. "Just- Just dial down the Jacksonness for like five seconds please? For me?"

"Because," Scott says. "We have a pretty good idea that she might be, you know, turning"

"Turning?" Jackson asks.

"Yeah," Scott says. "Turning"


"A unicorn," Stiles says. "What do you think, dumbass?"

"Well, I think that if Lydia's turning, she's not the one that's gonna need help," Jackson says.

"What do you mean?" Scott asks.

"Oh god," Jackson says. "You've got it all backward McCall. When I was with Lydia, you should have seen the scratch marks she left on me. What do you think she's gonna do with a real set of claws? Heh"

"That's an extreme, unnecessary overshare," Faline says.

"I'll text you later," Jackson says to his friend before walking away.

"Not if it's about your sex life" Faline calls after him.

"Why are you even friends with him?" Stiles asks.

"Because he can be nice," Faline asks. "It's just buried extremely far down. So there's corpses, molten lava, then Jackson's kindness. Far down"

The trio is sat in Harris' class as he hands out papers as Stiles speaks up.

"It's causing me severe mental anguish to say this" Stiles begins. "But he's right"

"I know" Scott replies.

"What if the next body part stolen is from someone alive?" Faline asks. "Then the Argents won't hesitate to kill her. Even if it isn't Lydia"

"This is a pop quiz Mr. Stilinski, Miss Michaels," Mr. Harris says. "If I hear either of your voices again, I may be tempted to give you detention for the rest of your high school career"

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