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Faline sits next to Scott on the bench, glaring at the back of Garrett's head.

"Shouldn't we do something now?" Kira asks.

"We can't," Scott says. "We're still not really sure it's him. If we're wrong then the real assassin gets away. Nervous?"

"About someone trying to kill us or about playing my first game?" Kira asks.

"Both" Scott says.

"Definitely both" Kira says and Faline smiles.

"You'll do fine Kira," Faline says.

"How do you know?" Kira asks.

"I know all" Faline points at her temple before winking.

"Dad, you're supposed to be here where the hell are you?" Stiles sits next to his girlfriend. "He's on his way"

"Good," Faline says. "Why can't I just fry his brains?"

"No," Stiles says. "Peaceful resolutions"

"You know what won't be peaceful?" Faline asks. "My head, rolling across the floor. Detached from my body. If you don't know, I prefer my head attached to my body. I have a hot head and a hot body when attached"

"We won't let that happen," Stiles says.

"Let's go come on" Coach roars.

"Hey Liam, think fast" Brett calls, throwing a ball at Liam which he catches.

"Oh god," Faline groans. "This is going to be a disaster"

Faline watches through her fingers as Beacon Hills gets slaughtered by Devenford Prep. Faline watches as two boys take down Liam who didn't even have the ball.

"Hey!" Faline shouts. "Pick on someone your own size you obnoxious assholes!"

"Throw them off their game" Coach grins at her. "This is why you're my favorite student Michaels"

Faline's eyes widen as Liam tries to charge for the two players who bowled him over onto his ass.

"Oh god," Faline says. "This is painful to watch"

Faline watches Stiles squat down and place his stick on the floor and get the ball.

"Whooooo" Faline cheers. "Go, Stiles!"

"That was Stilinski?" Coach asks. "Surprising"

"I know," Faline says.

Faline watches as Brett and Liam go down.

"Faline" Faline turns to see Violet, Garrett's girlfriend, in tears. "You have to help me. It's Garrett. I need you to help me"

"Go, go help her" Coach says.

"Okay let's go talk privately" Faline and Violet leave the field and head to the boys' locker room.

"Garrett" Violet cries. "He's killing all the people. The supernaturals"

"It's okay" Faline rubs her back comfortingly. "We're going to stop him. We can help you"

"You see," Violet says. "You're a nice person but thirty-five million dollars is a lot of money"

Faline blinks, her eyes feeling heavy.

"I laced your drink. The one that Mason handed you. Morphine" Violet says. "No witch powers to get you out of this"

"Faline" Faline blinks and she turns to see Brett on the floor.

"Brett" Faline looks at the wound on his chest. "The beta wasn't Liam it was you"

єṅċһѧṅṭяєṡṡ - ṡ.ṡṭıʟıṅṡҡıOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora