▒31▒ 🔹 Starry Night Meets Blue Sky - 2 🔹

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It's been more than half an hour, since they just sit there motionlessly while sipping their tea..

The maids changed the tea several times as they emptied it again and again...

Anisha didn't bother much being infront of Egar, as she was thinking about her training and sipping her tea while treating him like air...

'Damn! I could have ran about 5 to 6 laps within this time...
I should decrease the time and increase the laps...I need to be a fast runner..What kind of slash dad is gonna teach me tomorrow? ...'

Anisha is thinking while sipping her tea...

'Why am I doing this anyway?...Such a waste of time...'

Egar thought as he sigh inwardly...and sipped his tea again..

'How long do I have to sit here?? My legs are going numb...'

She complained in her head...

The two of them sat there like broken dolls, unnoticed about the fact that someone was observing them...

After some time, Egar finally broke the silence and spoke first..

"I guess this much time should be enough for our first meeting.."

Egar said in polite tone...

"Yes, I agree, your highness.."

Anisha nodded in relief...

This time, Egar hurriedly got up and give his hand to Anisha, to hold on to it while standing up...But Anisha beat him on that again...She rose up from her chair fast as lighting as if knowing his intentions...

Egar snorted a little..

'Does she hate physical contact?'

He thought by himself...

(At the emperors chamber)

"They just sat there without doing anything? Not a single word??"

"Yes, your majesty.. They just continued drinking their tea without talking anything.."

The Informer sweated a little, looking at the emperor..

A deep wrinkle formed as the emperor made an angry face...

"Next time,
don't give them any refreshments.. And continue watching on them..."

He ordered as he was in a deep thought..

"Yes, your majesty..."

After that person left, The emperor threw the tea cup he was holding..

* Crash!! *

"Egar, that fool... What was he thinking!!"

He said while gritting his teeth..

Anisha is sitting on her sofa, exhausted...

Leah saw her exhaustion and left to draw the bath water and get the products..

Anisha leaned against the sofa and touched her forehead..

A sharp memory related to Egar crept up..

'Let's not think about useless things..'

It was better to forget bad memories..

Anyway, she intended to never get involved with him in this life...

"Milady!! The bath water is ready.. Do you want to eat something before bath?"

"No...it's fine..I'm full anyway.."

Anisha said while pointing her round belly..

" *Chuckle* Then come..I'll wash you.."

"Thank you!!"

Anisha said with a big smile...
Leah smiled and nod in response...

After the bath, Anisha hurriedly changed and went for her self training..

She already missed her morning practice anyway... She can't just sit back and laze around the whole day...
She have a motive, a dream she needs to fullfill... So she needs to work for it...

Because, you get what you work for......not what you wish for...


🌙 The Villainess Will Walk Away 🌙Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora