▒99▒ 🔸 Shadows of the Past - 6 🔸

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As Anisha and Izana continued their conversations beneath the Life tree, their friendship deepening with each passing day, they couldn't help but feel the weight of responsibility on their shoulders. The empire's future appeared uncertain, and the palace was rife with intrigue and political drama..

Leah's suspicion and concern continued to grow as she observed the pair, her protective instincts urging her to uncover the truth about Izana's secret meetings. She knew that something was amiss, but the elusive nature of Izana's actions made it a challenging mystery to solve.

The palace maids continued their gossip, but their chatter only seemed to fuel the fire of curiosity within Leah. She was determined to get to the bottom of this mystery and protect Anisha from any potential harm or complications that might arise from her newfound friendship.

As the days rolled on, Izana's worries deepened. His family situation had taken a dire turn as his father, Marquis Bellacian, embarked on a journey to the Easter Empire in search of his missing son, Eric. However, this decision had ignited a storm within the imperial palace..

Edger's suspicions weighed heavily on the Bellacian household. Despite Izana's best efforts, he couldn't sway Edger's growing mistrust. The palace was tense, with lingering doubts and shifting alliances.

One day, while Anisha and Izana were engrossed in a conversation about the palace's mounting problems, a knight from the Bellacian estate suddenly burst into the library. He was out of breath, his face contorted with urgency, carrying a sealed letter in his trembling hands.

"A message from the Easter Empire.."
He exclaimed, his voice trembling..

Izana's heart raced as he took the letter. He broke the seal with a heavy, apprehensive breath and unfolded the parchment. His eyes scanned the words, and then, with a sudden "Thump!" the letter slipped from his fingers and fell to the floor.

Izana stood there, shock etched across his face, the contents of the letter sending shivers down his spine. The room seemed to grow colder as he grappled with the shocking revelation that had just unfolded before him.

As the letter slipped from Izana's trembling fingers, fluttering to the floor. Anisha, quick to react, bent down and picked it up. Her eyes scanned the ominous words, and as the shocking truth settled in, she, too, froze in place, the color draining from her face.

Leah and the knight exchanged worried glances, sensing the gravity of the situation.

Izana remained shock-stricken, unable to respond. As the tension thickened, the library's doors swung open again, and Marquis Verita stormed in, a sense of urgency etched across his face. Without a word, he snatched the letter from Anisha's trembling hand and quickly read its contents.

The room seemed to hold its breath as Marquis Verita's expression shifted from concern to a deep and unsettling sorrow. The silence that followed was broken only by the heavy pounding of hearts and the weight of the dire news that had just been revealed.

The letter contained alarming news:

Marquis Bellacian, who had gone in search of his son Eric, had vanished. The knights who had accompanied him on this perilous journey were discovered dead.
But there is no sign of the marquis.

A sense of shock rippled through the entire library. The weight of uncertainty and danger hung heavy in the air. The weather outside seemed to reflect the grim news, as dark clouds gathered in the sky, casting a pall over the palace.

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