▒111▒ 🔸 Shadows of the Past - 18 🔸

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The cold and eerie atmosphere of the underground cell seemed to weigh heavily on Lucas and Izana.
Lucas, still in disbelief, leaned against the cold, damp wall of his cell. He looked at Izana, whose smile seemed to fade as the reality of their situation set in.

"Tell me, Izana,"

Lucas began, his voice shaking slightly,

"how did they manage to accuse you? You lost your father and brother. How could they possibly think you were involved?"

Izana sighed deeply, his shoulders slumping.

"It's the work of the Saint,"

he said, his voice filled with bitterness. He knew the Saint was involved in the shady deals, but he didn't have strong evidence.

"The few pieces of evidence that I had managed to gather after days of hard work were taken by the spy, the aide whom my father and I had trusted. He had betrayed us. And after they got their evidence back, they hurriedly accused me, to get rid of me as soon as possible.
The Saint, manipulated the situation, and with the help of the masked assailants, framed me for a crime I didn't commit..just like you.."

Lucas listened intently, his mind racing as he tried to piece together the puzzle.

"Damn! Not a saint, she is more of a witch!
But why would she do that? What could she possibly gain from accusing you?"

Izana looked up, his eyes dark and intense.
"Power, Lucas. It's always about power. The Bellacian family has always been a threat to the Saint's influence. By eliminating us, she can strengthen her hold over the empire."

"She is far more dangerous than I thought. She and the temple, they are onto something big."
Lucas exclaimed.

"You know, the Belacian family and the temple never got along,"

Izana sighed, his voice heavy with bitterness.

"It's always been a clash of strategic minds versus religious zealots. They've always seen us as a threat. But never have I thought that they would have the audacity to kill a Marquis. And what were they doing with my brother??"

Izana looked at Lucas, which made Lucas avert his eyes to the other side.

"Haahhh.." Izana let out a deep sigh.

"So after killing your father and brother, they used this opportunity to frame you, to eliminate another 'threat' to their power.."
Lucas spoke, understanding the gravity of Izana's words.
The longstanding clash between the Belacian family and the temple had reached its peak, with both sides now locked in a deadly battle for control.

"So now what?"
Lucas asked.

"Nothing particular.. "
Izana smiled softly.

Lucas clenched his fists in anger. But after a while, he also sighed and smiled softly knowing there was nothing they could do now. Only Izana was capable enough to find any evidence towards the temple and the saint, but now that he was captured and all his findings were probably dealt with, that means there is no hope anymore..
Lucas smiled to himself..he always wanted to die as a war hero just like his father..but now he has to die as a traitor?
Pfft! Life is a joke itself..

[Late at night, almost time for sunrise]

As time passed the atmosphere in the underground cell grew more stifling. The weight of their impending doom hung over them, a constant reminder of the dire situation they were in.

Lucas paced back and forth in his cell, his mind racing as he couldn't accept his fate to die as a rebel, not as a soldier who fought for his country all his life.

"There has to be something we can do,"
he muttered to himself, frustration evident in his voice. Even tho he knows there's nothing they can do.

Izana watched Lucas with a thoughtful expression, then spoke up,

"We may not be able to change our fate, Lucas, but we can still seek the truth. If we can expose the Saint's deceit and the temple's corruption, perhaps we can clear our names, even if it's too late to save ourselves."

Lucas stopped pacing and looked at Izana,

"Do you really believe that's possible?
Izana, we're both stuck in here, and the very few who tried to talk on our behalf is either in jail or under house arrest. My uncle got confined just for defending me the other day, and I don't even know if Harold is safe or not.
Who else can help us now? The Temple and the witch are being cautious; they won't let any evidence slip. There's no way out.
Hah... seems like I'm going to meet my end as a rebel."

Just then, the sound of footsteps echoed through the corridor. Both Lucas and Izana tensed, listening intently as the footsteps grew louder. As the footsteps approached their cells, a familiar face appeared.

Izana muttered in disbelief.


A/N : Don't forget to vote!! ✌🏻✨

A/N : Don't forget to vote!! ✌🏻✨

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