▒93▒ 🔹 Whispers of Care 🔹

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Anisha entered the familiar embrace of her home, a mixture of scents and sounds that enveloped her in comfort. The soft rustling of leaves outside was accompanied by the delicate scent of flowers wafting in through open windows. Anisha's face was radiant with the happiness of her visit to Izana's house.

Leah, her nanny, was waiting, a silent guardian who had watched her grow from a young child into the woman she was becoming.

Leah, with a warm smile and eyes that spoke volumes, helped Anisha out of her outdoor attire and into the cozy familiarity of her home clothes. Anisha could feel the gentle, caring touch of Leah's experienced hands, a touch that had been with her since she was a child.

Leah's smile held the depth of a thousand conversations and the understanding that only someone who had been by her side for so long could possess. Anisha felt a rush of gratitude, knowing that Leah had been worried for her during the days she withdrew from the world, refusing to meet anyone.

Leah's presence was like a soothing balm, a constant in the ever-changing tapestry of her life. As Leah observed Anisha with that gentle smile, it felt like a warm embrace, a silent reassurance that everything would be alright.

Anisha met Leah's gaze, her heart brimming with affection. The unspoken connection between them, the understanding of a bond that transcended words, was all she needed to know.

Anisha felt safe, loved, and cherished. At that moment, as she stood in the heart of her home, with Leah's kind eyes and the reassuring sounds of life around her, Anisha felt truly blessed.

"Leah, I'm so lucky to have you in my life. You've always been there, watching over me."
Anisha spoke with a grateful smile..

"It's my pleasure to see you grow up to be such a charming and kind person. I will always be with you no matter what happens."
Leah spoke tenderly..

Anisha felt the warmth of Leah's words.

"Thank you, Leah, for being more than just a nanny. You're family to me."

"You're family to me too, my dear. Seeing you happy is all that matters."
Leah spoke with teary eyes and placed a soft kiss on Anisha's forehead..

Anisha remembered how much hardship Leah had faced after going to the Royal Palace with her. Every day was hell for both of them. Still Leah never leave Anisha alone. Even when death came, Leah still chose to be on Anisha's side and eventually died for her.

Anisha's heart swelled with love and appreciation for the woman who had been more than a nanny; she had been a constant source of care, a confidante, and a guide..

After getting changed, Anisha went downstairs and joined her father to have tea time together..
As she settled into a comfortable chair, her dad, quietly sipping his tea, looked up, a warm smile spreading across his face, a silent understanding that only a loving parent could convey.

"How was your visit?"
Her father softly asked..

"It was nice. We had a great time together."
Anisha replied with a smile.

"I'm glad. I worry about you, and knowing you're happy brings me peace."
His eyes were shining with affection.

Nowadays, he doesn't hide his affection thowards Anisha. He openly shares his love and worries.. Which was a great development..

Anisha felt her heart swell with love..
"I know, Dad. You're always looking out for me. I'm grateful to have you.."

Her father reached out to pat her head..
"And I'm grateful to have you, my dear. You're the light in my life."

Both of them felt the love and affection between them. They sipped their tea in comfortable silence, the occasional sound of the distant chirping of birds outside filling the room.

The butler silently watched them the side, his face filled with joy as he saw Anisha's lifted spirits. The other servants shared in this happiness, knowing how much Anisha's well-being meant to them all..

"Young miss, I'm so glad to see you smiling."
Butler spoke with a happy face..

"Thank you for worrying about me, Leon."
Anisha smiled back.

"We are always here for you, young miss. Your happiness is a bright spot in this household."
Leon gently spoke with a happy face..

Anisha's father nodded, a proud and loving look in his eyes. The love and care that surrounded Anisha, from her father to Leah to the butler and the rest of the household, made her feel cherished and supported.

Her father passed a cake to her, gesturing her to eat it.
"Remember Anisha, no matter where life takes you, you'll always find love and support here."

"I know, Dad. And that means the world to me."
Anisha felt the weight of his words and smiled softly.

Their time together was filled with shared affection, unspoken understanding, and the comfort of being in the presence of family. It was a moment that solidified the deep bond they shared, a testament to the love and care that flowed through their home..


A/N : Hey guys ~ 🤍

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