▒87▒ 🔸 The Royal Hunting competition - 1 🔸

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...A few days later, a royal notice has been published.. It was already the time of the Royal hunting competition.. Every year this competition gets held two months before the Royal founding anniversary..

The Royal hunting competition is an annual event that is held in the vast forest near the capital of the Beatrice Empire. It is a tradition that dates back to the founding of the empire, and it is a way to test the skills and courage of the nobles and knights.

Since before, the hunting tournament was a thing full of drama, intrigue, and danger. There have been accidents, sabotage and betrayal. There was also romance, friendship, honor, and courage.
The outcome of the hunting tournament always has a lasting impact on the fate of the Empire and the lives of the nobles.

In this hunting competition, the participants were divided into teams of three, and each team is given a target animal to hunt down within a time limit. They can also hunt other animals for extra points. The team that successfully hunts their target and returns to the starting point with the most points wins the competition.

Anisha loved the idea of hunting with her bow. Suddenly one day she wanted to learn archery and is currently mastering it. She felt more comfortable with her bow than a long sword. She used a part of the Mana Stone that the Grand Duke gave her when she visited the Amoria Palace.

She felt a thrill every time she drew back the string, aimed at her target, and released the arrow.
She enjoyed the challenge of tracking down animals. That's why she was excited to join the hunting tournament with everyone.

Marquis Verita was opposing the idea, but he had to accept it due to Anisha's pleas.

Anisha, Izana, Harllod, Evan, and Egar are all participating in this year's competition. Rose didn't participate because she was against hunting and violence.


Well, on the day of the hunting competition, everyone gathered on the hunting ground. After a brief announcement, the royal knights declared the teams..

Anisha and Izana are on the same team. While Harllod is on another team. Evan and Egar were on different teams as well, as they are the princes of the empire and have to compete with each other for prestige and honor.

The 3 marquises also joined the hunt and were in different teams. While the Grand Duke didn't participate in this hunt. He didn't even bother to join the function. He was chilling somewhere in the Amoria Palace while eating apples from his apple orchard.

Before the hunting competition started, Anisha thought of exploring the side areas before her father and Izana comes.
Izana went to check up on Evan who was stuck up in the royal tent. But the main reason for Izana's visit was to take some of the desserts from there for Anisha and himself. Because he loves the desserts made by the royal chief.
And now, her father had to leave her side due to the emperor's call. He was sad to leave her alone. Anisha laughed after seeing her father acting like that.

Anisha was walking happily through the forest side, holding her bow and arrow. She was feeling very happy today and enjoying herself. But she also took the competition seriously. She wanted to prove herself as a capable heir and make her father proud. She also wanted to check and compare her current skills with this.

She walked through the side of the forest, feeling a sense of awe and wonder. She had never seen such a beautiful place before. The forest was like a fairy tale, full of magic and mystery. She saw colorful butterflies fluttering around, squirrels scampering up the trees and birds flying happily in the sky. She heard a stream nearby, it's water sparkling and gurgling. She felt a gentle breeze on her face, caressing her hair and skin.

🌙 The Villainess Will Walk Away 🌙Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ