▒66▒ 🔹 The Amoria Palace - 2 🔹

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After hurrying to downstairs, she found her father waiting for her..

He was dressed simply today..
Blue shirt with black coat and pants.. No military batches are attached..
So his whole look was kind of refreshing..

'Uh, but why is he all dressed up?'

Anisha looked at her dad with keen eyes..


Her dad looked back at her sensing a stare..

"Well, are you going somewhere??"

Anisha asked not breaking her stare..


Her father replied calmly..


Anisha stood infront of him raising one eyebrow..

"Amoria palace."

Marquis Verita replied with a poker face..

"I knew it!!!
I really knew it!!!"

Anisha shouted in annoyance while jumping..


Her dad looked at her confusely..

"Ugh!! But dad, hey, you didn't get an invitation.. Sigh~"

Anisha stopped jumping remembering she was all dressed up now..

"I don't need one."

"What?? But, going someone's estate uninvited is........"

Anisha couldn't find the appropriate word to fill in..

"It's fine. They know me."

"No! That's not what I meant.."

Anisha cried inwardly knowing she can't stop him anyway..

Thus without wasting more time, she just let him be and start their journey..

After losing their child, the ducal couple went to Eirlys, Northern region, where the grand dukedom originally is..

Before that,
They lived in Amoria Palace in the capital..

Amoria palace is in the north side of the capital and not very far from the Imperial Palace..

Amoria Palace was a place where the Crown Princess gave birth to the first Mix blood, a child of a Devil..

After getting pregnant, the Crown Princess leave her title to her little brother and left the Imperial Palace.. She wanted to live somewhere peaceful and raise her child..

And because the Emperor loved his daughter so much, he gifted her The Amoria Palace..

Which is on the north side of the capital, a little calmer than the central part.. And not much far from the Imperial Palace, so that it won't take much time for him to visit his daughter anytime..

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