in which this story takes a turn

557 13 1

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This book is #2 in the Patryck tag, but wattpad seems to think my most impressive achievement is ranking #19 in latenight. That was a tag telling people what time I usually write chapters, what? Honestly wattpad tags are so useless

Sitting in a cozy cafe were three men. It was late morning, and they each had a drink as they discussed possible outcomes of the strange situation they found themselves in. 

"This is so weird," The ginger named Matt said, rubbing his tired blue eyes. "How do you plan to fix him?" 

"It's not important, what's important is that we'll be able to fix him." Said the one with odd fringes and a yellow hoodie said. Matt pursed his lips, choosing to take a sip from his cup of tea. Why was he the one who had to do this?

"Am I really doing the right thing?" He asked quietly.

"It may not seem like it, but yes. It's better for him, we have the money and resources to spare." The yellow-clad man sighed, his partner nodding along.

"It's safer too. You know what tom is, and if he gets too angry, he might hurt him." The man with thick eyebrows and a pink hoodie said, his spoon clinking against the sides of his coffee mug. Matt paused as he thought of the bloody outcome.

"How am I even gonna do this! I haven't talked to them about it, and I have a feeling they aren't going to let me" Matt said, biting his nails nervously. He should really stop that.

"I… wouldn't want to suggest this, but I think it's best if you don't tell them. Just… bring him to us, and when they ask, just say he's with someone safe." The first said slowly. Matt nodded, the thought of sneaking around his roommates leaving a bad taste in his mouth.

"They're so attached, I can't imagine they'll take the news well." 

"All the more reason for us to take him." 

"Thank you…" Matt sighed, finishing off his tea. "I… don't think I ever got your names." 

"Oh, I'm Patryck and this is Paul." He said, gesturing to his partner. Matt nodded, making a mental note of that. Pulling out his phone, he saw he had several text messages from Edd. He really lost track of time. 

"Well, I best be on my way," Matt said, standing up and brushing himself off. 

"Remember, you have about a week left," Patryck said as Matt left the establishment and walked towards the trolley.

Edd: matt? Where'd you go?

It's been an hour, you didn't get lost again, did you?

Are you okay?


Matt: hey edd, had my phone on silence. So sorry

Edd: dear god, you nearly scared me half to death! What happened

Matt paused, stepping onto the trolley and taking a seat while thinking his answer over. He couldn't tell Edd about Paul and Patrick.

Matt: oh, just went for a walk then got distracted by a new cafe. We should take Tord there sometime.

Edd: :) are you gonna be home soon? Tom wants to watch IZPFH

Matt: don't start without me!

With a sigh, the Brit shut his phone off and put it back into his pocket. He watched the world pass by as he thought carefully over everything. This was a lot, and Matt's once fairly simple life was becoming more complicated than he could handle. Finally, he arrived at his stop and hopped off, making the short walk to his house. 

Edd and Tom were sprawled out on the couch, leaving Matt to sit in the armchair. "You back! We can start!" Tom said dramatically, rolling off the couch and crawling over to put the disk in. Matt snorted at his roommate's crazy antics. 

"Where's Tord?" 

"Napping. I didn't realize how much babies needed to sleep." Edd said, reaching out to grab his cola from the coffee table. Tom got back on the couch as the movie started, and the three of them fell into silence.

"Hey, matt?" 

"Yea tom?" Matt looked to his eyeless friend curiously.

"Have you thought about what we'll do if we never find a way to cure Tord?" Matt paused, biting his tongue to keep from saying anything impulsive. 

"Nope! Have you?" 

"Yeah. I… I want to keep him. It's kinda selfish but I really do!" Tom said, tugging on his hoodie sleeves. Matt could only stare. Was he serious? 

"Really? Do you think we'd be able to do that long term?" Matt asked, raising an eyebrow. 

"We're doing pretty great as is, I think we'll be well off." 

"T-that doesn't mean we'll stop looking for a cure though!" Edd quickly added, to which visible deflated. Tom didn't want to find a cure, that much Matt knew.

"Whatever you guys say!" Matt chirped, looking back to the screen while thinking the complete opposite. His life was becoming so complicated, and at this point, it felt like no matter what he did, someone would feel upset.

A / N
Remember when I asked you all what you thought I should dp with this book? Well i ignored you all and decided the best thing was angst. I told you from the start I don't write fluff.
On another note, I realize I need to post chapters more frequently if I want to keep my readers entertained. Oops

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