Mom, why am i sad?

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Tom laid on the couch with Tord on his chest. He kept thinking back to that conversation with Matt and Edd. Though he would never say it, he truly didn't want to find a cure to whatever this was. Was it selfish of him? Yeah, but could you blame him? Tord was so adorable, super sweet, well behaved, and liked tom. Tom grew so attached to Tord and knew he'd do anything to keep tord safe. Matt... Matt was starting to piss Tom off. Besides always stealing Tord's attention, he was acting strange. Stranger than usual, that is. With another sigh, Tom moved his attention to the sleeping infant. "You're driving me crazy, commie," he said softly, brushing his hair out of his face.

Maybe they went overboard with the baby stuff. Maybe Tom needed to accept that Tord couldn't stay like this forever. If he was given the choice, he'd turn Tord back. It's what he deserved. God, what was happening to him? Having an eternal conflict over his enemy turned baby. While never quite enjoying talking about his feelings, Tom needed to talk to someone about his worries. Matt was out of the question, and Edd already made up his mind. Who then...?

AH! Tom carefully stood and brought Tord to his room, grabbing his phone and sitting down on his bed. He scrolled through his contacts until he found the one he was looking for. He stared down at the sleeping baby as the phone rang for a few seconds before the person on the other end finally picked up.

"Hello?" came a female voice, and Tom could feel a smile crossing his face.

"Hey, mom."

"Tom?! Hello baby, it's been so long since you've called me. I missed you, you know."

"I'm sorry, ma. Been real busy."

"I understand. Now are you calling to say hi to your mother, or do you need something?"

"I needed someone to talk to, and you came to mind."

"Alright, sweety."

"Okay, so hear me out for this one. Do you know my roommate Tord? Well he's an inventor and about a week ago he accidentally turned himself into a baby, don't ask me how i don't know, and I've been taking care of him."

"That's... that's a little odd, but i trust you."

"Thank you. The issue is I'm so attached to him now. I worry constantly and get jealous, and now I have to think about giving him up. I know I have to turn him back, but... this is the happiest I've felt in a long time." he sniffled, sadness filling him.

"Oh honey"

"Mama I don't wanna lose him!"

"I know, Tommy. Letting kids go is hard, but you have to think about what's best for him. If you find a way to fix him, you can look into adoption. It won't be a replacement, but it'll help."

"It won't be the same."

"You want him to be happy, right? This will make him the happiest."

"I... i guess you're right."

"Now, please don't cry. Spend the time you have with him, and enjoy it. Alright, honey?"

"Alright, mom." He chuckled as he felt tiny hands pat his cheeks, and turned to look at his tord. "Well, Tord's woken up from his nap. I'll have to go."

"Bye Tommy, Bye Tordy!"



Tord cooed up at him, patting his cheeks once more. A smile crossed his face as he picked up Tord and set him in his lap. If he only had a few weeks left, he wanted to make it as fun as possible.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2020 ⏰

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