God dammit commie

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"Hush Tom, it is perfectly safe," Tord said, twisting in a few more screws to his latest invention. Tom grumbled, watching the Norwegian work. Even if he hated that Commies guts he didn't want him to die or get hurt.

"Fuck you, commie! I really don't want to clean your guts off the floor" Tord stopped what he was doing to face him, a tight frown on his face. It was like he was offended by the thought of someone worrying over his safety.

"I know what im doing, I think. Not the point, just know it won't fucking kill me you-" a loud clank interrupted him. Tord whipped around to find thick black smoke coming from the device. His eyes widen in fear as a curse slipped past his lips "FÆN!"

There was a loud boom as the thing exploded, thick black smoke puffing out and filling the air. Tom cursed under his breath, coughing and fanning his hand in an attempt to clear out the smoke. God fucking dammit, he knew this was going to happen. Fuck him and his feelings or whatever, he should've just left that hentai loving fuck to die by his own stupidity. Loud, piercing shrieks filled the air.

Tom rushed over to the source, scared that Tord broke something or worse. To his shock, that's not what he found. Instead, lying in a pile of clothes was a baby. He had messy caramel hair and pale skin with freckles dotted across his face. Wailes escape him as his tiny frame shook, coughing sickly.

Tom scooped up the infant in his arms, wrapping him in the oversized red hoodie. Only Tord could manage such a thing. Tom bounced him as he walked around, trying to calm him. Hearing him cry just made him feel sick. "Can't believe you got yourself into this mess" he grumbled under his breath. Tom just hopped that Tord didn't in hail any smoke. Just in case Tom made sure to gently pat his back. 

After what felt like forever, Tord finally calmed down. He cooed softly as his silver eyes sparkled. It was the cutest thing he'd ever seen and Tom's heart wasn't prepared. "S-shh. Go to sleep now" he stammered as he rocked him. Tord yawned, balling up his tiny fists and cuddling closer to the brit. Tom waited until he was sure he was asleep. He sighed in relief, cradling Tord to look at him. It was hard to imagine that this was Tord, being so small and fragile. Soft rosy skin and tear-stained cheeks. Tom gentle whipped his tears away, smiling lovingly before he realized what he was doing. 

Groaning, Tom exited the lab and quickly went to find Edd and Matt. He had to shush them before they woke Tord. Edd quickly dashed off to the store to buy some essentials while matt stayed with them. Tom couldn't help admiring the child in his arms. 

Tord stayed asleep until edd returned. Edd was quick in fitting him in a diaper and onesie before putting Tord back to sleep. They all seemed to dislike his tears. "He's so small…" He murmured, gently trailing his hand down Tord's cheek. Edd turned to Tom. No words needed to be said to get Edds point across. How has this happened?

Tom explained everything as he was handed Tord back and they moved to the living room. Edd sighed as he began pacing.

"So, let me get this straight…"

A / N
How our favorite communist got himself turned into a tot. Tom is a sucker for babies and he knows it!

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