chill day

666 13 2

A / N

This not eddtom, its purely platonic love

Edd yawned, cuddling closer to the warmth. A smile graced his face as the warmth pulled him closer... wait a fucking second. Opening his eyes, Edd found himself curled up against Tom's chest, the lather still half-asleep. He blinked, trying to process what the fuck happening to have landed him in the warm embrace of Tom?

Tom yawned, prying his eyes open. He grumbled something in his sleepy voice, pressing his face into Edd mop of messy hair and yawning, which made Edd yawn. "You know edd, some would consider this gay," Tom said after a moment, even though wasn't making any effort to get up either.

"Not if we say no homo. It's called a bromance." Edd said calmly, shutting his eyes to maybe try and go back to sleep. Tom shook his head, continuing to lay in the weirdly calming atmosphere they created. Well, that was until Tom suddenly sprang up. "Dude, what the hell-"

"Where is tord?" Tom said in a worried tone, shifting around In the bed to try and find the baby that wasn't there. That sentence was enough to wake Edd up, and he sat up to help Tom in his search. "Oh no, what if he fell behind the bed? Oh tordy, where'd you go?" Tom whined, tumbling off the bed in his haste to find their new baby roommate.

Edd stood, noticing the slightly ajar bedroom door. "Tord can crawl now, right?" Edd asked, moving his gaze to his panicking roommate. Tom jumped up, turning to the door, back to Edd as they silently agreed to search the house.

They started with Tord's room, empty. Edd and Matt's room were also empty. Luckily, entering the kitchen they found Matt making Tord a bottle while Tord's happy giggles floated from the living room. Matt turned, smiling brightly. "Good morning, Edd, good morning, Tom."

"Morning Matt." Edd sighed, leaning against the kitchen counter. Man, that was scary. Tom went off to the living room, probably wanting to see Tord to calm his nerves. Well, if tord was going to eat breakfast they probably should too.

"What should we eat on this fine morning?" Edd hummed, opening the fridge and rummaging around. He finally settled on eggs, bacon, and waffles. Tom walked in with Tord on his hip, considerably calmer. Tord was nibbling on Toms tee-shirt, babbling incoherently. He sure was a talkative baby.

Sitting on the counter, Tom cradled Tord and grabbed the bottle from Matt, and calmly fed Tord. This was a weirdly domestic moment in the normally chaotic household. Edd smiled to himself, cooking while sneaking glances at Tom and Tord. He hasn't seen Tom this happy since jr.high.

"Tom, you're a pretty good parent." He said, plating the food and setting them down on the dining room table. Tom blushed, hugging Tord closer and hiding his face in his fluffy hair. Matt and Edd giggled at him, sitting down and eating their breakfast. Man, Edd didn't mind living a life like this.


Tom was sprawled out on his bedroom floor as Tord puttered around the room, babbling as he found new things for his curious mind to take in. Tom watched from afar, only stepping in when Tord tried to put anything small into his mouth. Tord had a look of wonder on his tiny face, which was truly adorable.

Tord's chubby hands brushed against Susan's strings, creating a lovely sound. He cooed, reaching out to strum the chords again. The sound wasn't as pretty, but tords seemed mesmerized all the same. Tom sat up and crawled over. "You like Susan?"

He pulled the bass into his lap, strumming the bass and smiling at this melody. Tords silver eyes widen in amazement, pressing his cheek against Tom's thigh. Tom played a random song without thinking too much about it. Tord closed his eyes, smiling as he listened to the wonderful melody.

Tom finished, setting the bass down next to him as he remembered what the song was. A familiar song his mother would play for him when he was young. He shook his head, returning his focus to the small Norwegian who went back to crawling around his room. If he was going to keep up this habit of exploring every square inch of his bedroom, Tom would seriously need to consider baby proofing the place.

Tord squealed as he stared up at the bed. He grabbed onto the sheet to try and pull himself up, and he actually managed to get to his feet, before falling back on his butt. He pouted, tears of frustration filling his eyes. "Ap, ahhp!" He pushed himself to his knees, gripping onto the bedsheets tightly and pulling himself to his feet. He was standing! Tom moved closer, wanting Tord to get this on his own, but still prepared to catch him.

"Look at you, standing all by yourself." Tom smiled, leaning against the bed and watching the boy attempt to pull himself up. He turned to Tom, reaching out with one hand. Chuckling, Tom stood and scooped Tord up into his arms, feeling himself grin as Tord squealed in excitement, clutching his hoodie and burying his face in Tom's shoulder. Sitting down on his bed, he grabbed his favorite stuffed animal, Tomme bear, and held it up to Tord. "This is Tomme bear. Can you say Tomme bear?"

"T-tam- Tamme ber!" He cooed, grabbing the bear with wide eyes. He gave a toothless grin as he bopped the stuffed animal, Happy giggles tugging at his heartstrings.

"Yeah, that's Tomme bear." Was it selfish to hope they never found a cure to this? Tom could see himself raising tord, It couldn't be that hard, right?

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