Tam! Tam!

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Tord was on his stomach, staring at Tom happily. They had laid out a blanket on the living room floor for him to chill out on. Edd was mostly hoping that he would start crawling or something. Tom relished in the attention, just glad to know that tord was happy to see him. 

Tord sure smiled a lot as a child, especially at him. It was slightly comforting in a strange way. Not many smiled like that at Tom, especially tord of all people. Getting positive attention, even if it was from a baby, was amazing.

"So what to do?" Edd hummed, looking lost. 

"I don't know, any ideas tord?" Tom asked. Tord blinked at him blankly, tilting his head cutely. "Wait, do you even understand English?" Not like tom was really expecting a response, but tord only cuued in confusion.

"Well, he was raised in Norway." Edd said with a sigh. Tord seemed rather lost by it all but was still having a good time and reached out for tom. 

"Our little Norwegian!" Matt giggled, snapping another picture of tord from his seat on the couch. 

"Ahh!" Tord squealed loudly, kicking his legs while still holding his arm out for tom. Oh, he wanted to be picked up. Too bad.

"Enjoy your floor time, commie." Tom said, earning him a punch to the arm.

"He's a baby!" Edd cried, looking equal parts shocked and pissed. That's edd for ya. 

"He's still a commie!" Another punch, sending him toppling over. "Ow edd!" Tord seemed to enjoy the display, laughing those laughs only babies were capable of. 

"You find that funny?" Matt asked, picking tord up and holding him in his lap.

"Put him back down, he needs to crawl or something. Let the little norski enjoy his belly time" tom grumbled, being pushed back down by an angry edd. Tord laughed again, clapping his tiny hands.

"Tordy, wanna  crawl over to tom?" Matt asked, placing a very not excited tord back on the blanket. He made a loud whining noise, reaching out for tom. He wanted to be held by Tom more than anything.

"Come  on Tord. Crawl to tom." Tom said, finally shoving edd off of him.  Tord whined again, struggling to push himself onto his hands and knees. "Yeah! That's it."

"Ta!" Tord squeaked, shakily inching in Tom's direction. Tom held his arms out for Tord, feeling oddly excited. He was doing it, he was crawling! And it almost sounded like he was saying 'tom'. Is this what being a parent was like? Fuck! He was becoming a dad! 

"Come on tordy!" Matt cheered, pulling out his phone to record. Tord was none-the-wiser, only wanting Tom to hold him. He squealed, stumbling slightly. After a lot of stumbling and excited squealing, he finally managed to crawl right into Tom's arms.

"Good job tordy! Godt jobbet!" Tom smiled, switching to Norwegian as an afterthought so tord would have a better chance of understanding him. This seemed to work as tord beemed and happily buried his head in Tom's chest while babbling loudly.

"Tom, you're pretty good with kids for someone who says they hate them." Edd chuckled.

"I hate kids. As in kids ages 4-10. Babies are fine. They're adorable." Tord argued, holding tord a little closer.

"Whatever you say tom." Edd shook his head. He stood up to stretch his limbs. Tord watched him curiously.

"Tam!" Tord cheered, gripping tom's shirt as if he was hugging him. Tom froze for a second, processing what he just heard. Seconds later a huge smile formed on his face. 

"Tom? Did you say tom?" He grinned.

"Tam! Tam!" Tord beemed, proud of his complete understanding of the english language. Tom grinned back, giving tord an eskimo kiss.

"I was recording that!" Matt couldn't help but laugh, ending the recording and opening his Instagram where he'd already posted a few pictures of tord. They were getting tons of likes and comments already!

"This is too effin sweet. I'm going to get diabetes." Edd said dramatically, flopping back onto the couch. Tord giggled at his silliness. 

"Hey, you know what we should do? Clothes shopping! When me and Edd went shopping, we only got a few onesies." Matt said. Edd jumped up, more than a little excited to go out again, this time with tord.

"Car seat." Tom reminded.

"Um, you can sit in the back and hold him. We'll buy a car seat and stroller while we're at the mall." Edd said.

Tom was not thrilled with the idea of driving with an unsecured baby, but promised himself Tord wouldn't be hurt since he was the one holding him. If it had been Matt, he'd probably get distracted and drop poor Tord. Tom's grip tightened at the mere thought.

"Looks like we're going on a trip." Tom sighed, standing up and handing tord over to Edd so he could slip on his checkered vans and blue hoodie. Edd hyped tord up for the trip, ending with a squealing and squirming tord being given to tom. "Aren't you excited." 

After tugging tords hood on so he wouldn't get too cold and putting on a pair of baby shoes, they left the house. Tom sat in the back seat, Tord held securely in his arms. Matt and Edd excitedly talked about a plan for the day; shopping at the mall for tord, getting some lunch then going to the park. Tom smiled, watching the outside world pass by.

Finally they arrived at the mall, and Tom forced them to find a store that sold strollers and car seats. "We'll get the car seat on the way out, but we're getting a stroller or something." he snapped, walking over to a map to figure out this crazy place. Once locating, and actually tracking down the stupid store, they began to look around. 

Tom had tried to put Tord in one, but the small boy seemed to hate the thing, and instantly began whimpering. Sighing, Tom picked him back up and cradled him close. "What am I going to do with you?" He sighed. Somewhere in his mind he knew he shouldn't spoil him like this, but he just couldn't take a crying tord. Especially in public.

Edd found a baby carrier, and Tom agreed to try it. After figuring out the confusing mess, and making sure tord fit, they bought it. It worked just fine and tord seemed to like it so they continued on their way.

"Okay, so we should probably get him some outdoor clothes, right?"

"We don't really know how glong this baby thing is gonna last" Tom pointed out, feeling suddenly and at the thought of no longer having baby tord. What was wrong with him? He only had tord in this state for about a day.

"Yeah, so we gotta have all the fun we can!" Edd said, dragging tom into the store. It was a baby store, thankful, and they were able to find clothes rather quickly.

A / N
Cutting it here cus its over 1k words and I'd like it not to take 3 months to write the next chapter

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