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The time came, Akil and Zara went on a weekend to Nilgiris. They went to the peak. They enjoyed the breeze over there.

"It's happy to see you both smiling", said Meesha smiling.

Zara smiled.

"I think I need to leave now", said Meesha.

"Where?", asked Zara in shock.

"I don't know. But I need to leave you now", said Meesha.

"No, This suddenly!", said Zara.

"What's wrong?", asked Akil.

"She is saying that she wants to leave", said Zara.

"Shh! I'm so happy now. I can't stay with you any longer. I should leave now.", said Meesha.

"But!", said Zara.

"Shh! I don't have time. Maybe I'm an illusion for you or not, it doesn't matter. You can feel me, I'm right here and I'm right here too", said Meesha by pointing to her heart.

Meesha continued," You are happy now. I love you, Zara. You showed me much love. I'm satisfied, I have no regrets and I'm in peace now, that someone is taking care of you so much, more than himself. I am so happy. We are gifted".

Zara, in sadness, smiled.

"See, I'm junk now. I'm not of any use. I need to go. I don't have any more work to do. I don't have any clue why people are running behind money and being greedy, selfish. They are going to be dusted at the end of the day. Then why?

So live your life not only running behind money. Live your life with love, sharing, helping, etc., etc...haha, you know what it is.

Maybe sometimes, there will be a situation, that you may lose yourself and there's no way to go. But never lose hope. Live with hope. Light will come to you!

Now smile and say bye to me. Okay, punk!", said Meesha.

Zara nodded.

"Take care of my baby, Akil", said Meesha.

"Meesha told you something", said Zara to Akil.

"Did she tell me to take care of you or she'll finish me", said Akil.

Zara smiled and nodded.

"That was the more right sentence, he is brilliant, punk", said Meesha.

"Thank you, sister, for everything. Goodbye!", said Akil.

"Uhm!... So, I won't disturb your time anymore and surely never annoy your bath time... Haha! It's your turn now" said Meesha.

Zara's eyes moistened and said," Goodbye, Meesha.".

Meesha nodded her head, smiled, and flew above and dissipated into thin air.

"She's gone", said Zara and was broken.

Akil gave her a comforting back bear hug. He kissed her cheekbone through the breeze. Both of them smiled and sent her off. Of course, Goodbyes are tough, but it should happen.

Five years passed, Akil, Kennith, and Rohan became outstanding businessmen. Farrah turned to an explorer, she was adventuring different places. Hazel and Zara work under a company in designing useful machines in improving agriculture.

Zara started a campaign with many members to stop bullying and suicide. It was a Stop Bully and Stop Suicide Campaign with the quote,

"Men is men

 Women are women

 Both are equal as humans,

 We are the ones, who we are!

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