Escape and Revelations

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Snarls and gunshots woke me from the painful haze I had been drifting through. The guy, whoever he was, I couldn't even remember if he told me his name, had me tortured after he left. God it was horrid. Fucking hate rogues, a lot.

I had no idea what was going on, but I doubted the rogues did either, as they were running around without a clue as well.

I tugged at my chains, hoping they had some sort of give in then, but this guy was good, and there was no give. I growl, a low a threatening sound and all the rogues stopped to look at me.
"What in the blazes is going on!" I shout, not really expecting an answer, but I receive one nontheless. From a very unexpected source.

"We're here to break you out."
I look and there stood Blake, Kyle, Devin, and Sarah. Anger flared in me when I saw her with them. "What is she doing here?" I growled.

"Oh hush, I decided to come. Devin demanded I stay, but I refused so you can get over it," she said.

I sighed. Undoubtedly they probably wouldn't have gotten here without her skills but still! She's my little sis. The two rogues took one look at the four in the doorway and bailed out the windows behind them. Cowards.
Kyle came over and grabbed the cage door and winced, but kept pulling, eventually pulling it right off it's hinges. His beta power was undeniably at the forefront as I could see his eyes were very dark. His hands were blistered badly and that meant that the door had been silver.

"You know, there are keys on the wall hook. You didn't have to hurt yourself Kyle." I poineted over to the wall.

"They are too small. They wouldn't fit this lock. I can tell. I'm guessing the guy in charge has this key. One of those might unlock your shackles though" I was impressed. I hadn't even been paying attention to that, though through my haze of pain it was hard to pay attention to anything much at all.

Once they had my shackles off, I stood shakily and nearly fell back over before Devin caught me and held me up. "Thanks," was all I had the strength to say.

I saw a look of concern on Blake's face. He'd never seen me this messed up. Hell, I'd never been this bad. That look was mirrored around the room on everyone's face. "How bad is it?" Blake asked, breaking the silence.

"Not enough to keep me down. Let's get out of here before he rounds them up again and comes back."

"It's a little too late for that," a sinister laugh said from the door way. There was...back to finish the job from earlier. He knew I wasn't going to give in to him.

Blake stepped forward. Knowing that he was only a low level shifter trying to take on a high one made me want to kick into action, but my body was refusing. It wasn't healed yet. Still too much silver in my system. Not enough to kill me, but enough to cause a shit ton of pain.

"Get him out of here."

"You're too weak to even contemplate taking me on, yet you act all big and tough. Why? What's in this for you, other than death?"

Blake doesn't answer him, just turns to look at me. "You were lied to. I lied. I knew you'd be best at what you do. You had the opportunity to take a position on the council. Now, it passes down to Sarah. No matter what happens, you are next in line for my position, and I stepped down. Make it back and its yours. Things are changing, the council is weak, fighting amongst themselves, fix it. Good luck." With that, he turned back to face the leader of these rogues.

I didn't want him to face this sadistic bastard alone, but I knew he wasn't going to let me fight. With a snarl at the rogue leader, I pushed for the back door, Devin helping me. We all shifted, myself yowling in pain and aggravation.

I took off, now that Zander was in control, I could feel him pushing energy into out body, forcing it to keep moving, keep healing, to stay alive.

The four of us kept moving, and in two hours, just as I was about to collapse, we made it to the vehicle. Kevin helped me change after shifting. No homo, but I seriously couldn't do it. My body ached and I was about to pass out. The last thing I remember is Kevin saying, "Thank God we got him, otherwise Abby would have all our heads."

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