Going Back to Faris

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For the next few days, Abby and I did nothing but get to know each other better. I took Sarah to school at seven, came back, made breakfast for Abby and I, then we sat down and watched movies and talked and joked. She was so interesting. Like, for example, her favorite color used to be blue...but now, guess what it is...green. I was a little surprised by that, and to say my ego soared would be an understatement.

And while she likes to do girly things, she is definitely she is definitely a tomboy. She doesn't care if she chips the nail polish on her fingers, doesn't care if her hair isn't perfect, she rarely wears makeup, I mean, come on, could I ask for a better mate...a better second chance? I don't think I really could. The fact that she's a werecat was still a bit surprising. There weren't many of us out there. All coming from prominent families. I'm wondering if her's was able to fly below the radar and escape the werewolf prejudice just over two hundred years ago. The Civil War had two sides of were's, cats and wolves. The wolves won, obviously, since there were more of them. They took the northern side, we didn't like slavery, but we fought on the southern side, because we had to choose, fight to survive, or let them just kill us. So we chose to fight.

Now, I believe that there's only nine or ten werecat families, high level werecat families that is. We don't consider low levels in that. Its intriguing to think that her family had escaped that persecution, but I don't want to pry, plus, she might not even know. It would be doubtful if she did. They could have come over from Europe after that point in time. Europe is where the werecats used to be, its where we came from, but most families moved here after the Revolution and before the Civil War.

I don't know...she had me from the moment we realized we were mates. Honestly, I'm glad. I wasn't, and hadn't been hung up on Bailey since the searing pain of the rejection. Not just her saying it, but when she marked someone else...the final piece of the rejection. That's the point when I stopped caring. It's probably also the point when I started developing my "reputation" as people say. I was ruthless after that. Before, if someone wasn't supposed to die, even if they were with my target, I usually left them alone. But after she marked someone else, I killed everyone that worked with my targets if I came across them.

I wasn't a silent stalker either. I would march in there on the day I got there, and do my job. No waiting around, no recon, nothing. Just in and out, job completed. Now...kids on the other hand, and women, I always left alone. If they attacked me, I would incapacitate them. I had, and have, no love for people who intentionally harm women and children.

I think the biggest addition to my reputation was when I had to destroy a whole werewolf pack. I hated it. Slaughtered the whole thing. They kept the women and children under lock and key, forcing the women just to have kids, and training the kids at the age of eight to fight. It was despicable. I personally made sure that the kids and women were relocated to a better pack...unfortunately for me, they all went to Bailey's pack.

Three days after I met Abby, I got a phone call while we were talking. "Derreck, I need you to check in on the refugees. I want to make sure they are doing well, and since you had close contact with them and with the pack they went to, I think you would be best for the check up. I want you to spend the upcoming weekend out there in Colorado," Blake said. Always right down to business, which I liked.

"Sir, with all due respect, I just found my mate," I say, looking at Abby, "and I didn't leave off with the best of circumstances in that pack."

"I know, Derreck, but you are the best choice. I don't want someone those people don't know to try and talk to them. They might not open up. I thought about it before I called you, but it's the only option before me."

I sigh, "Yes sir, but I'm taking Sarah and Abby with me."

"That's fine by me. Abby's the name of your mate?" he asks.

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