Meeting the Alpha

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I groaned, light pouring in through my window, disturbing my sleep. I look over at my alarm clock. It said eight nineteen. Damn, I must have been exhausted from that flight, the car ride, and then dealing with everything last night. Normally I'm up by six or six thirty.

I pull on some dark blue jeans and a black crew cut undershirt before heading down to the kitchen to eat breakfast. Cereal again, and I threw the dishes in the dishwasher this time, not feeling like washing them right now. I would turn it on tonight, after I put the dishes from dinner in there as well.

I grab my wallet, keys and phone and head out the door. After locking up, I turn around to see Kyle heade my way, walking down the street. I reach the end of the driveway and he meets me, "You need to come with me. The Alpha wants to see you," he cringes.

I grit my teeth. "What for?" I ask.

"I don't know. He didn't tell me. Come on."

I follow Kyle down the street to their pack house. Stepping inside, I tense up. It smelled like them, and there was a group of them staring at me. They were in aggressive stances and I laughed. "Are you going to attack me?"

I couldn't help but taunt them, but when Bailey walked into the room, I stopped. Behind her stood a tall man, my height, but definitely broader in the shoulders and beefier. He probably had a good twenty to thirty pounds on me. At an even two hundred myself, I wouldn't be surprised if he was even fifty pounds above me. He gave off an aura of dominance, depicting him as the alpha.

"Cat," he spit at me, his face contorting into one of distaste and hatred.

My eyebrow arches. "Yes? Is there a problem here...sir?" I say coolly. Zander hated that he was being insolent and prejudiced, but I held him in check.

"Speak with respect when talking to me boy!" He shouts at me.

"I don't think so. You are my equal, so I have no reason to do so."

Gasps came from the pack members in the room, and Alpha Walters advanced on me. Bailey reached up and grabbed his arm. He looked down in fury and yanked her hand off. "Stay out of this," he screamed at her.

"I will not stand by and watch as you harm an innocent," Bailey calmly stated.

Alpha Walters raised his hand to strike her, but before it could land, I was pushing her aside and grabbing his arm. "Raise a hand to her again, and it will be the last thing you ever do," I snarl at him.

"What do you care? You don't even know her. I will discipline my daughter as I see fit."

"Touch her again, and I will kill you," is all I say in reply. "Now why did you want to see me?"

His eyes narrowed at me, trying to figure out why I cared about Bailey so much. "I want you off my territory by tonight."

"Not going to happen. You have no authority over me. And don't think to try to forcibly remove me. You have no idea what I'm capable of."

"Punk, you couldn't do a thing to me," he growls.

"Believe what you want, but I know all about you. I know what you've done. I also know about the rogues. There's very little about you I don't know. So, before you go jumping into a hole head first, you should check and see how deep it is."

He stiffens when I tell him I know everything. He looks up, a glare sweeping around the room trying to find out who had told me. "Which one of you told him? Which one?" he shouts. When they all look confused, he turns his gaze on his daughter. "It was you, wasn't it? You betrayed me!" He lashes out with lightning speed, and if I hadn't expected it, I wouldn't have seen it coming. Even so, I was barely to move Bailey out of the way, taking the fist in face myself.

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