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Leo was on the hunt ... he was angry... hurt... frustrated, all he wanted was someone he could open up to... someone who could trust him ... 'Am I really that bad?' He asked himself 'have I really broke all trust between me and Rebekah?'

1866 England
Leo looked at Rebekah with such adoration in his eyes
"I can feel your eyes on me Leo" The blonde turned around with a smirk before walking closer to the young Salvatore

"Well can you blame me?" He gazed into her eyes with a soft smile "with you looking the way you do"

As Leo moved his head closer towards the blondes , to plant his soft lips on to hers ... they were startled by a strong , husky voice ... "sister!" Klaus bellowed "what have I told you about falling in love too easily"

Rebekah turned to her brother "will you let me be bloody happy for once Nik"

"You've compelled the young vampire to be in love with you... Rebekah ... that is NOT love" Klaus looked her in her baby blue eyes

Although what klaus was saying was the furthest thing from the truth , Leo didn't speak up ...

"Leo young lad, I suggest you run along" Klaus smiled evilly "I have a little conversation I'd like to have with my sister"

Leo started to walk away , 'how am I ever going to be forgiven.?...' he asked himself 'Klaus will kill me in a second if I stood up for her ...' He carried on 'one day... we will be together ... without the worry of Klaus'
"Enzo..." Bonnie said in a panicked tone as she tried to light candles around the room with her witch powers "fasmantos insindia" She repeated ... still no flame...

"Yes?" Enzo entered the room

"My magic... it's not... it's..." Bonnie stuttered "Kai took my magic"

Enzo's eyes opened wide "what are we going to do?"

Bonnie took a shaky breath... "Enzo... Kai will kill me"

"I won't let him..." Enzo cut the rest off her sentence

Bonnie shook her head "Kai will kill you, he's too powerful... you need to leave"  She said with tears in her eyes

"I'm not going anywhere Enzo stood his ground ...

Caroline searched  endlessly 'where the hell could Klaus be?!'
Soon later she appeared outside the Mikaelson home...

"And who might you be?" Kol appeared

"I'm Caroline, do you have any clue where Klaus is?" She asked , practically begging for an answer to where he was

"Niklaus is having a ... hiatus" Elijah then appeared

"Elijah? What have you done with your brother?" Caroline had fear in her eyes

"My brother needed a lesson... he can't keep striking daggers in his siblings hearts" The older Mikaelson explained

"Please... please just let him ..." Caroline started

"I'm sorry Miss Forbes... this is what I have to do" Elijah spoke sternly

"Damon... where are we now?" Elena asked as she looked out the window of the place... Damon loved surprising his girlfriend... he loved to keep everything exciting

"You see that over there" He pointed towards a huge tower

"You see that over there" He pointed towards a huge tower

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