Ready to run

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"Niklaus..." Elijah looked over to his brother, as he began adjusting his arms of his dark blue suit... "I can't say that I'm not surprised you woke me up from my slumber so soon..."

"Elijah... brother" Klaus started, he tried keeping a smile on his face, but the hybrid knew... he had to tell him about their sister...

"Why do I feel like you're being suspicious, Niklaus?" Elijah furrows his brows before tilting his head to the side ...

Klaus hesitated. "Sit down... brother."
Bonnie woke up to the sounds of knocking... 'who the hell is that? It's like 7 AM!' Giving her body a quick, tired stretch, the Bennett hurried to the front door of her grams' home...

"Elena!" Bonnie beamed a smile , "come in!"

"Sorry I'm here so early Bon... it's just..." Elena tried to quicken her words as she took a step inside...

"Hey..." Bonnie narrowed her brows, with a worried expression "sit down"

Taking a seat and a deep breath, Elena then began to explain ... "So, Leo... he's turned of his humanity... and ... I had one of those dreams..."

"What dreams Elena?" Bonnies green eyes shot a concerned look...

"Remember when... when I had those dreams of Stefan... and I knew something bad was going to happen, I saw him drowning, and then I saw him turn his humanity off ..." The soon to be Salvatore wife trailed on...

"Are you saying you had one of Leo?"

"Yes..." Elena nodded , "But Bonnie... what I saw was..."

"What did you see?!" Bonnie saw the raw emotion on her best friend face, she was petrified.

"Leo... he killed Stefan, Damon... and you" Elena replies, her heart pounding and her emotions overwhelming her...

Bonnies eyes widened ... after she gulped, she asked "Have you told Damon or Stefan this?"

"No... I needed to tell you first Bon... I don't know what this actually means... whether it was just a bad dream or whether it actually means something" Elena's hands started to tremble... "I had to tell you before anyone else..."

"I understand..." Bonnie then put on her brave face ... "let's hope it was just a bad dream, okay?"
I let my eyes peel open as I move my arm to drape over my fiancé... but she wasn't there.
"Elena?" I call out. No answer.
Where the hell is she? She never leaves without telling me...

I rush myself down the long stairs case until Stefan stops me in my tracks. "What's the rush?"

"Do you know where Elena is?" I reply too quickly

Stefan's eyes furrow ... "why would I know?"

"Where the hell is she?" I mutter before throwing my head back and covering my face with my hands...

"Okay... this is probably nothing..."

"What if she thinks being engaged is a mistake?!" I snap. "First Leo... now this..."

"Okay you're being way... too insecure" Stefan shook his head ... is he serious? Sarcasm!

I clench my jaw... not wasting another second on talking to my brother. Swinging the door open , I use my vampire advantages and shoot like a catapult out of the open door.
I'm. So. So. So! Scared.
"How the hell do I tell Damon and Stefan , I've had weird psychic dreams which end in their brother murdering both them and my best friend?"

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