No care in the world

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Ow. What the hell? Where am I?
I blinked my eyes a couple times. Open. Shut. Open. Shut. Until the blur went away.

"Rise and shine sleepy head!" I heard, I weakly moved my head to look at the heavy door, the metal bars didn't hide the person on the other side.

"Damon?" I sighed, "jokes over, let me out"

"No can do, baby bro" He smirked with his arms folded. "You see, Stefan? Well he's followed your footsteps, by the way... you won't be familiar with this, but our brother without his humanity equals ripper Stefan, which is not pretty" He tutted

"Then let me out" I said in heavy breaths, "I can go have some catching up fun with..."

"Ah ah ah" Damon shook his head, "one no humanity Salvatore is hard enough to deal with, I don't want two on the loose"

"Damon!" His head moved to see the person coming down the stairs of the dungeon.

"Ah, good timing Bon Bon" My brother rubbed his hands together, "Bonnies come to babysit you, I have to go find and kidnap our other stupid, off switched brother"

"Good luck" I heard Bonnie sigh

"Catch ya later Bon" Damon placed a hand on her shoulder before speeding off. Great. I'm left with the person I threatened not too long ago.

"Just so you know, I don't agree with this." Bonnie said in a blunt tone, "I thought you should have just ran away somewhere and not returned, instead Damon and Care are going to torture you until you flip that switch back on"

"What are they going to do? Kill me?" I chuckled weakly, "Caroline... maybe, Damon... no"

"Leo... I'm serious" Her voice was stern, "I think you should just flip it... flip it back, so they don't have to do the stuff they're planning to do!"

"You'll have to do better than that" I said before getting myself comfortable on the hard floor.

"You know... I remember when Enzo flipped his switch..."

"God!" I rolled my eyes, "You're torturing me by talking about this freaking guy! He's dead, and you keep bringing him up, just let him go already!"

"When he flipped his switch" She carried on after a small pause, but her voice was a lot more shaky now, "The thing that brought him back was almost losing me..."

"I wish I could have saved him instead of you" I grin, "He could have been a good drinking Buddy"

Bonnie's voice gentled even more, "What if you could turn back time and save Rebekah..." The mention of her name made my eyes widen. "Would you have saved her with your switch off?"

"I don't know if you're just slow... but she's the whole reason I did turn it off. Remember?" I tried to reply as sharply as possible.

"I know... but if you had your switch off then, would you have saved her if you could?" She asked

"No..." I lied, of course I would have saved her.

"So you mustn't have loved her as much as..."

"Shut up!" I grunted, "I don't want to hear it!"

"Well you're going to" God, she was stubborn.

"You know..." I laughed, "when I get out of here... I'm going to tear your heart out of your chest"

"Sure you are" She shrugged. This woman is driving me insane.
"Damon... I don't think this is going to work" Stefan said after dragging his brother outside of the Salvatore home, making sure Leo wouldn't be able to hear their conversation.

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