Vampire and human

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Mystic Falls
Stefan was doing his usual morning routine. Wake up, get dressed, find his road kill blood to drink, and then write in his diary.

Life has changed. I saved my brother yesterday, and part of me felt a purpose again. I felt as though I have found myself again. It's not just that, but I'm grateful, Lexi is alive again, my brothers are happy and me... well, I'm surviving.

Suddenly the door swung open. "Miss me?"

Once Stefan turned, an immediate smile grew across his face. "I though you said you were going to be gone for two more days..."

"Oh thanks, Bestie" Lexi dead panned, "you already want rid of me..."

"Of course not" He chuckled, "what're you doing?"

"Well I want to spend time with my bestfriend, after all I did kinda run off to go be with my boyfriend... who by the way... thought I was some demon ghost coming to haunt him..." She laughed, "seriously, he was in total shock"

"Well duh..." Stefan widened his eyes. "Look at you. You're alive"

Lexi smirked before heading on to the other side of the room. "So, fill me in... is Kai dead?"

"Very much so"

She nodded her head, "okay. Is Enzo still alive?"

"Unfortunately not"

"That sucks. Oh... wait... please tell me Katherine went back with Kai?"

"Ugh. Rude" A voice huffed before the best friends turned around to see Katherine. "You know, you two freak me out, all these years and not even a kiss between eachother"

"I see you're still obsessed with Stefan, Katherine", Lexi rolled her eyes. "It's sad if you think about it... he wants nothing to do with you... yet you always try and find ways... it's quite embarrassing"

"Who said that I was here for Stefan?" The Petrova Doppelgänger walked past them towards the bourbon. "You know what sucks... is having a human tolerance to alcohol"

"Then why are you here, Katherine?" Stefan sighed.

"Well... yes I did come back for you at first, but then I laid eyes on your brother... and let me tell you... he is something", She bit down on her bottom lip, "But that Bennett witch got there before I came back..."

"Face it... you want what you can't have..." Lexi told her, "So why don't you just leave? Instead of spending the next sixty years begging for a vampire, while you will look old and frail, Leo will still be his vampire self. So what're you doing?"

"Actually... you're right" Katherine grinned, "Bonnie may be a witch, but she's also human."

"Don't go meddling, Katherine" Stefan shook his head, "Leave them. Leave town."

"But it's true... Bonnie will be old, she would have never even experienced life... whilst Leo is still Leo" Katherine shrugged.

"We know that" Bonnie and Leo appeared, the Bennett witch was clothes in one of Leo's dark coloured shirts as he was in nothing but a pair of shorts.

"Wow", Katherines eyes widened as she licked her lips at the sight of a shirtless Leo. "You really are sexy..."

"She is isn't she" Leo looked down at Bonnie before pressing his lips to her forehead. "Also Katherine, yes... we know that the future holds"

"So why are you putting eachother through it? You'll both be heartbroken in the end..." The doppelgänger questioned. "You're pretty much doomed."

"Because right now, we're happy" Bonnie shrugged in response, "we will cross that bridge when we come to it"
Damon and Elena were still in their own world, completely and utterly in love, more than ever.
As Elena lay her head on her husbands chest, she traced his defined abs with her finger, "Can you hear them downstairs?"

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