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Andrea had gained quite a large amount of popularity after the incident at the party. It had been a couple weeks since then. She was sat in the library studying with Draco.

"I think you're doing a whole lot better now"

"You think so? Well it's all thanks to you"

"Now that our session is done, I've got to go practice my magic"

"You practice every day right?"


"Can I uh can I see?"

Andrea chuckled

"Sure. You've gotta be quiet though"

She took him up to her room. She changed and then came out and sat down. She closed her eyes and lit some candles. Draco was mesmerized by what he was seeing. She began to mutter some words. The flowers bloomed in the room. She then practiced some more complex spells. The lights would flicker, and there would be some unexplainable wind. When she was done, she opened her eyes. Draco was staring at her.

"That was amazing! How do you do that?"

"I was born like that"

They sat and talked in her room for a while. Then someone came up to her door.

"Go down to the dining room now"

"Who sent you?"

"I don't know"

Andrea immediately said to Draco

"He's been compelled. We have to go I think my dad is here"

She grabbed his hand and within a second they were in the dining hall. His face turned a little pink.

"Dad. What brings you here?"

"Sweetheart we have a very big problem. Did you kill that wizard lady. The one with the bad hair?"

"Yeah I did. What about it?"

"Dahlia sent her. She knows you're here she wants to kill you"

Andrea had a shocked face.

"She will continue to send other powerful wizards until she can make it in here herself. We will try to keep her out as long as possible, but be ready. We will come the second there's a problem but please be careful"

"I will dad I promise"

"I've gotta go now. But I will return soon"

"I love you dad"

"I love you too sweetheart"

He disappeared

Andrea turned to Draco.

"Who is Dahlia?"

"My grandmother's sister. One of the most powerful witches in the world. She makes Voldemort look like a teddy bear"

Draco's face turned pale

"Oh my god we're screwed"

Draco pulled her into a hug and she cried into his chest. All of a sudden she stopped.

"Parkinson. What're you doing here"

Draco turned around and saw Pansy.

"I don't like you. If you can heal quickly then here you go"

She threw a knife at Andrea. She caught it.

"Stop making threats."

She brought out her claws and began to sink them into Pansy's wrist. Yer eyes were completely yellow

"Don't ever do that again. Ever"

She ripped her claws out. She made her way upstairs. Draco came with her.

"If I have any chance against Dahlia I need my magic to be perfect"

Every single day after that night, Andrea made sure to practice her magic. She focused on difficult spells. One night Draco came in her room.

"You look like you're working hard."

"I am"

"Well I wanted to take you somewhere today. Did you want to come?"

"Sure. I need a break anyways."

He grabbed her hand and took her with him. He took her into the forbidden forest.

"This place is cool"

"Yeah. I thought you'd like it"

They walked around for a while. Then they sat down together by a tree.

"You know, I think that you should relax a bit. I know this evil witch is coming, but for now you're safe. Your magic is perfect."

Andrea blushed a little at what he had said. Without thinking she grabbed his face and pressed her lips against his. The she immediately moved away.

"I'm sorry I thought-"

He grabbed her face and put his lips on hers again. They kissed for what felt like forever and then stopped.

"We should really head back."

Andrea grabbed Draco's hand and in a second they were back at school. They were both laughing as they entered the common room. Some other people were sitting around. They didn't pay much attention to what was happening. Draco brought her up to his room. They were sitting and taking when they felt the school shake. Andrea said

"Stay here"

And went down to the dining hall. She saw professors freaking out and students running off. She then saw the man standing in the middle. He had no nose. Someone yelled "Voldemort!" So she assumed that was him.

Oh no looks like Voldemort is here! Andrea and Draco kissed though! Hope you guys are enjoying!

Andrea Mikealson (Draco Malfoy Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now