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Classes felt like they had gone on forever. At the end of the day, Andrea told Daphne she was leaving, got changed and sat in the library. Draco arrived a couple minutes later. The two of them got right to work.

"Ok which book do we need for this potion?"

Draco showed her the picture of the book in his textbook.

"I'll go-"

"No need"

Andrea closed her eyes. She moved her hand and pulled the book out of the shelf and onto their table. When she opened her eyes, Draco was staring.

"Why are you staring at me?"

"Are you kidding? It's so fascinating to see how many different things you can do"

"Really? Most people are just scared"

"I'm not scared"

Andrea smiled. Draco smiled back. Andrea cleared her throat.

"Right then. Let's finish this up."

They finished their work.

"I'll meet you back here again tomorrow, same time"


They went their separate ways. Andrea went back up to her room. She decided she was bored and made an announcement to the Slytherin common room.


Everyone cheered. Pansy rolled her eyes. Andrea knew she may get people to like her instead of fear her by throwing a party. The next day, she was sat in class, waiting for it to start. She heard someone's neck snap, and saw her dad walk in. The class looked horrified as they saw the body of some poor guy collapse.


"Hello sweetheart"

Klaus hugged his daughter. McGonogall walked in

"Sir you must leave immediately! You are not allowed here!"

"Dad don't kill her she's my teacher!"

"Fine fine."

Andrea walked up to McGonogall.

"Sit in that chair. Do not move or talk until I say so"

McGonogall sat down.

"Dad what are you doing here?"

"Well I just had to see how you were doing. Can't have my princess attending a bad school now can we"

Andrea laughed

"I'm doing fine. How did you even get here?"

"Your aunt Davina helped a bit"

They talked for a while. Then Klaus left.

"I'll be back soon sweetheart"

"You can go now"

McGonogall got up and began the class. Andrea sat next to Draco. She heard some girl whisper

"Her dad is hot. Can't be older than like 35"

"Actually he's 1023 years old. Good guess though. Also he's not hot he's my dad. That's gross"

The girl turned red. Draco laughed. After classes were done, Draco and Andrea finished their tutoring for the day. They both went their separate ways and got ready for the party. Andrea went down and everyone who came. She even saw people from other houses. A lot of people went up to her and told her that this was a great party. She was walking around and saw someone drinking alcohol. She grabbed the bottle. He refused to move out of the way. She grabbed his shirt and effortlessly lifted him up and moved him to the side. She then saw a group of three people she'd never met before.

"You're Andrea right"

"Yup. You are...?"

"Oh I'm Hermoine Granger. That's Harry and this is Ron."

Draco walked up to them

"There a problem here Andrea"

"None at all. I can handle myself just fine"

"Alright. I'll be over by the sofa if you need me"

He left. Andrea turned back to the trio. She grabbed a blood bag out of her bag and dumped it into her drink.

"So what brings you to my party then? Certainly doesn't look like you lot are Slytherins"

"Thought it would be cool to meet you"


She sipped at her drink, and then the power went out.

"What the hell?"

When they turned around Bellatrix LeStrange was standing in the room. Many people screamed and tried to run. Draco ran up to Andrea.

"Bitch! You're ruining my party"

"That's a bit rude of you"

She shot a spell at Andrea, causing her chest to start bleeding. Everyone ran off to hide, and watched what was happening out of their hiding spots. To Draco's surprise it healed right away

"What sort of freak are you?!"

"The kind of freak that's going to kill you"

Bellatrix tried to grab her wand again, but Andrea flicked her wrist causing it to disappear. Bellatrix looked terrified and now there were many other professors there as well, wands pointed at her. Andrea walked up to her.

"Don't make a sound"

She drank all of Bellatrix's blood and snapped her neck.

"We don't require your help anymore. You lot may leave"

The teachers left the room. Many people decided it was time to leave the party, they didn't know what the scariest part of that night was. A small bunch of Slytherins remained, all throwing questions at Andrea. She didn't pay much attention. Draco immediately said to her

"That was possibly one of the greatest things that you could've done for this school. But you don't understand what's going to happen. Voldemort will come. And he will try to kill everyone now that you've killed Bellatrix."

"Well I'm sure I'll be fine"

Bellatrix LeStrange is dead! Who do you think sent her? What do you think will happen next?

Andrea Mikealson (Draco Malfoy Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now