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Andrea began to make some friends. She shared a room with Daphne Greengrass. She seemed nice enough. She had also met Pansy Parkinson, who seemed to strongly dislike her. And then there was Draco. She had an attraction to him that she couldn't explain. She seemed to get along with him just fine, so it was good either way. She was sat in potions next to Daphne.

"Everyone gather your ingredients."

Before Daphne could get up, Andrea had pulled all of the ingredients on to the table.

"Let's just start"

The two of them began working. Draco was watching from a distance. His moment was short lived, as Pansy was sat next to him

"Draco! What are you looking at!"

He turned red. He knew that Andrea had probably heard.

"Nothing. Let's work"

At the end of the class Andrea came up to Draco.

"Why were you staring at me in class"

"I wasn't. Don't flatter yourself too much."

Andrea shrugged. She didn't believe him, but she wouldn't say anything else about the matter. The two of them finished up all their classes. Andrea went back up to her room and said that she was practicing her magic. She sat and closed her eyes. She did some basic nature spells, and then some more complex spells. After she was done, she decided to go down to the dining hall for dinner. Everyone was eating the meal, as Andrea sat there next to Daphne. Draco asked her

"Why don't you eat something"

"I will when I find someone who looks good enough to eat."

Pansy decided to join the conversation.

"Freak. What kind of person doesn't eat food?"

Andrea's eyes began turning red and her fangs came out.

"I guess you'll be my dinner for tonight"

She appeared next to Pansy, causing her to freak out. She looked into her eyes

"Don't make a sound"

She sank her fangs into Pansy's neck. After she'd had enough, she stopped.

"Why the hell can't I scream"

"Because I forced you not to. Better get that cleaned up"


She ran off. Many people were looking at Andrea.

"Well that certainly scared her"

"Hopefully she'll stop annoying me"

Draco stared at Andrea. He had never quite met anyone like her. Snape entered the dining room.

"Miss Mikaelson and Mr. Malfoy please come with me"

The two of them went with Snape. When the guys arrived, Andrea was sat in the office already.

"Right. Well Miss Mikaelson you are great at my class, probably due to your great knowledge of magic"

"Yeah yeah what do you want"

Snape took a deep breath. Draco had never seen him look scared before.

"I need you to tutor Mr. Malfoy"



"But I don't need tutoring!"

"You really do"

Andrea laughed.

"Is something funny Miss Mikaelson?"

"Only the fact that you love watching cartoons Mr.Snape"

"Wha- no I do not"

Snape's face turned red. Draco laughed.

"Oh yes you do. I can hear you from my room"

"I'm on the other end of the school!"

Andrea shrugged. Draco continued laughing.

"Just leave! Both of you!"

As they were exiting, he muttered

"Stupid children"

"Technically we're teenagers Snape!"

Andrea yelled from the hall. Snape gruffed.

"That was hilarious, what you said in there"

"I know. Now about this tutoring, meet me in the library tomorrow, 8"

Draco checked his watch. He looked up and she was gone.

Looks like Andrea has no choice but to talk to Draco.  Hope you guys enjoyed!

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