Empty ~ 8

756 46 10

Warning: please make sure to be cautious, if there is something I have mentioned that makes you feel uncomfortable I apologize, truly.

"When are you going to just up and die already?"

Allen left Kanda's room early he didn't want to bother the exorcist and so he let him rest a little more while he went to the cafeteria to talk to Jerry. Who always prepared everything early, sometimes he'd give Allen snacks whenever he'd find out Allen hadn't eaten the night before.

"Hello! Noah scum I'm talking to you!"

Allen sighed, why should he even bother with this treatment? He never wanted to feel this pain. Never wanted to let everyone down. Only wanted a family. If only Cross was still alive.

If only...I'd just die.

"What do you want Chaoji?" Allen asked, emotionless.

"What I want is to see Director Lvellie already put an end to you already," Chaoji started, "Why does he even keep you alive! You are nothing more than a tool used for our gain. There's nothing special about you! I'm sure Cross never even cared about you. I'm sure he was happy to die just to get rid of you,"

Allen snapped. Eye's full-on gold with the promise of death reflecting in them. He turned to Chaoji, grabbing him by the neck, pushing him hard into the wall behind him as it crumbled from the forced Allen used.

"Don't ever bring up my master!" Allen sneered, his voice both his and one sounding more demonic more like an angry animal growling in hatred. At this point he was a little closer to the doors leading to the cafeteria, Allen could see that a few people were watching them from the loud commotion Allen's push had caused. A loud bang, seeming to shake the whole building.

"What? We both know he hated you. He left you for months on end for you to fend on your own, he hates you! And he's glad he's finally away from you," Chaoji challenged. The hand around his neck tightening.

"You know nothing about me nor you do about Marian Cross!" Allen seemed to screech, eyes narrowing, promising death.

"You don't know what it feels like to be ridiculed by something you were born with!" Allen started, leaning in closer to Chaoji while pushing him into the wall, even more, a dent being shown on the wall. Many others from the cafeteria were out in the hallway watching them both closely.

At this point Chaoji was shaking with fear as he stared up at Allen's eyes, meeting his gaze head-on. He could see his eyes had changed to gold just like the Noah. He can see the promise of death and the hatred Allen holds for him.

"You don't understand anything! Nothing at all not about me nor about Cross. You can't even begin to understand what master was trying to achieve. You can't even begin to comprehend what Cross had to do to even make sure I was alive! You don't understand the pain of abandonment. The pain of darkness as it eats away at you until nothing is left but a hollow shell of your former self!" Allen was breathing heavily.

At this point, everyone, including Kanda, was staring at Allen as he let his anger out. No one has ever seen him react the way he is reacting and it kind of scared them. Kanda was only a few feet away from Allen, he and Jerry both looking at each other, nodding.

"Y-You can't e-even protect those you love! How can you even b-begin to protect anyone!?" Chaoji screamed.

Allen tilted his head to one side, smiling, "just because those who I love dearly are ripped out of my life doesn't mean I want others to suffer, "Golden eyes filled with nothingness, void of emotion and reason.

At this point, Chaoji was turning purple from the lack of air his lungs were receiving, "But to be completely honest I don't care what happens to me, as long as everyone is safe from harm's way." Allen let go of Chaoji, turning around as he heard the man behind him fall to his knees, gasping as he took in the air he desperately needed.

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