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-Two weeks later -

"Allen sir," one of the Finders nervously walked up to the albino who was graciously making his way to the cafeteria.

"Yes?" Allen tilted his head to the side a bit.

He was fully recovered from the assault Chaoji had inflicted on him. With the help of Kanda and Jerry, Allen was finally able to consult with them whenever he needed to.

The Order itself was another problem, because of how Jerry and Kanda had gotten mad over his behalf un the cafeteria, most of the Finders and Exorcists stood clear of him, but a few did keep pestering him. Like how the other day Lavi tried to talk to Allen but all he got in return was nothing for Allen had quickly left the redhead alone seeing how Kanda had walked into the room they were in. Or that time Lenalee tried to invite Allen to eat with her and Lavi but he declined to make sure to find a vacant room so he'd have a little peace and quiet.

And last but not least Chaoji. That man still had the guts to harass Allen no matter the situation was.

"Komui is calling for you in his office," the Finder bowed as he delivered his message.

Allen smiled a bit and nodded, "thank you for informing me, I'll make my way there now,"

The Finder nodded and left quickly. Allen sighed, making his way to the science department as he walked the halls, he started to think about Road and her offer.

It's been a while since they've talked and no doubt the offer still stood on the table. He knew he needed to decide and soon because he, himself, wasn't so sure if he'll be able to last what's left of the month.

He started to hear the yelling and loud noises from the Science Department nearing. He walked faster, his head down, bangs cover his face from view as he stopped in front of the head scientists' office.

He picked up his hand and knocked.

"Come in," he heard from the other side of the door. Pushing the door open, Allen was surprised to see that Kanda, Chaoji, and Lenalee were all in Komui's office.

"ALLEN! Come in, come in!" Komui made one of those weird faces, freaking Allen a little bit. He knew it was Komui's character to add like a child but sometimes even childish Komui was hard to understand. One moment he'd be crying about something Lenalee wouldn't let him do and the next he'll build a robot just to chase everyone in the Black Order around.

Allen walked in, closing the door behind him and made his way to Kanda's side.

"Alright now that we are all here! I need each of you to go on a mission." Kanda secretly grabbed Allen's hand to assure him that nothing bad will happen to him on this mission, as long as he's around.

"What's the mission?" Lenalee asked.

"Well my dear sister, there have been many level 3 akuma sighted around a small village just outside of the city. Allegedly, a Noah has also been sighted, " Komui informed.

Allen tightened his grip around Kanda's hand.

"So what do you want us to do?" Chaoji asked, glaring at Allen.

"I need you four to go into town and investigate. Make sure all the akuma are gone and if there is a Noah there, well you know what to do," Komui sighed, sitting down.

"When do we leave?" Kanda asked.

Komui slumped back in the chair tiredly, "tonight, the sooner the better. Your all dismissed,"

Quietly they all exited the room, walking into the science division where all the scientists were currently running around and yelling, still. Allen moved beside Kanda but yelped when he was suddenly grabbed.

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