Empty ~ 1

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Allen woke up normally, groggy from the night before, seeing that all his friends started to ignore him slowly and one by one. Most would just not even look his way whenever he passed the finders, exorcists, and some of the people he'd call friends. After weeks of this kind of treatment towards him, Allen started to close off from everyone he was close to and kept to his own self, but when lunch came around Allen immediately made his way to the great hall and up to Jerry.

"Allen that's my favorite exorcist! You better not be eating less than what you're normally used to or you'll give me a heart attack!" Jerry, the head Chief, pointed at Allen with his spatula as he ushered the boy to eat more and more.

"Sorry to worry you like that Jerry, you know how it is for us exorcists finding time to sit down and eat," Allen answered, with a smile on his lips. Jerry was one of the few people Allen still let in and he was grateful he did because everyone knew that Jerry was an outstanding cook.

"It's alright my boy." Jerry gave him a small smile, "You decided to eat here this time?" The cook asked, leaning against the counter.

Allen sighed, he knew Jerry was observant and understood his situation so sometimes Allen would eat alone in an empty room that he knew others wouldn't go in or just sit in the corner of the great hall and eat alone.

"I won't be staying,"

"Mhm, alright my boy I already packed your food so take it and be off, although I expect you to eat every last drop of this," Jerry pointed at the food cart that had food packed for him and ready to go.

"I will and thank you," Allen replied, pushing the cart and out of the great hall and into a room that was vacant of people. He saw an empty, broken down sofa and so he made his way to it, plopped down and sighed. He started to play with the bangs of his hair he noticed that it has grown since a while and now came to reach his shoulders so sometimes he'd just tie it back into a small ponytail, leaving his long bangs to cover most of his face.

Allen sat up straight and started eating his food silently. As he reached for the last container of food he noticed that the door was slightly starting open and saw that a certain longhaired exorcist walked in.

"Che' Moyashi what are you doing here?"

Allen stiffened but returned to finish his last container of food.

"Eating. what's it look like?" Allen asked clearly annoyed. His bangs hid his face so Kanda couldn't see the emotion on his face.

"Why aren't you with Usagi or Lenalee?" Kanda asked, closing the door behind him and laying against the wall with his arms crossed.

"Didn't feel like it," Allen replied with a shrug as he pushed the cart away from him and threw the last container of food away. He plopped back down on the sofa, head back against the pillows as he closed his eyes and placed an arm over them.

He could feel Kanda staring holes in him but kept his mouth shut. After what felt like forever he heard Kanda move off the wall and felt the other end of the sofa dip a little from the man's weight as he sat down. Allen picked up his head and looked at Kanda in surprise.


"What is it Moyashi?" Kanda barked out.

Allen just eyed him for a while but decided to say nothing as he took up his earlier position on the couch. The room was filled with a comfortable silence only sound left was Timcampy fluttering around Allen and nesting on his head.

"Hey bud," Allen opened his eyes and smiled as he moved his arm and started to gently stroke Tim. He laughed when Tim started to nibble on his finger.

Empty {D.Gray-man}Where stories live. Discover now