Chapter Forty

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"Are you sure this is right?" Tulip asked, looking in the wooden bowl. "This doesn't look like the Caesar salad I had last week."

"Romaine. Parmesan cheese. Croutons. Caesar salad dressing." Sidney called out the list of ingredients from the iPad on the other side of the island then leaned over, stretching her neck to look at the contents inside the bowl. A smile spread across her face, "It looks like the picture. See." She turned the screen towards Tulip.

Niesha smirked, tipping the bottle of wine over the bell of the glass. "She's referring to the chicken. There's no chicken TuTu." She bumped her hip into her friends. "You lost the bet so eat up. One meal without meat won't kill you."

Tulip was sure she wouldn't die but she was almost certain she'd be hungry before midnight. She admitted to herself that this was all her fault. Why would she make such a bet with Sidney knowing she hadn't ridden a bike that wasn't stationary in years? Too much confidence. Yep, that was it. Granted, people always used 'it's just like riding a bike' as a euphemism for something easy.

So, when Sidney wagered a vegetarian meal for dinner if she couldn't pop a wheelie there was no doubt in Tulip's mind that she wouldn't get her new bike off the pavement. Technically, she did get it off the ground just not in the way she was supposed to. Once, that squirrel darted in the street and she swerved she knew fried chicken, baked chicken, and smothered chicken were off tonight's menu. The Pikachu bandaid on her forearm was cute and it matched the Charmander one on her knee so at least she had that.

"Nah, I'm good. I'll have you know that I've had meatless meals many times. PBJ and Cheetos. Rice Krispies and grilled cheese. " Tulip stated,  plucking a piece of romaine from the time after one good toss and started to nod as the crisp greenery crunched between her molars. "The dressing's good."

The smile Sidney beamed as she looked back at the device convinced Tulip to toss another piece of lettuce in her mouth. As soon as she swallowed she nodded to her friend. "How is it?"

"It's good." Niesha quipped, then poured a little of the Rosé into the empty wine glass next to her half-filled glass.

The pinkish liquid flowed in the glass and Tulip's mouth did something it didn't do frequently from wine; it watered as anticipation rushed through her. She liked her grapes sweet and still on the vine. However, she made an exception for this particular. First of all, it was free, and secondly, it was Jasper's wine. She was curious about how the wine that grossed him millions tasted. She relied primarily on Neisha's tongue since she had more knowledge of the beverage but as the liquid rolled over her taste buds she knew she didn't need the input of anyone else. She hummed completely surprised by the not-too-sweet, not-too-dry liquid with notes of strawberry, melon, and citrus playing on her tongue.

"It's good." She swirled the wine around in the glass. "I see why you like it."

Neisha nodded. "I'd buy it."

"Can I have a taste?" Sidney asked.

"," Tulip said, setting the glass down, and before the little girl began with the rebuttal she continued. "I know what they do in France but this ain't there, so savor that strawberry lemonade."

Sidney's mouth twisted as she swept her eyes to the glass on her side of the counter that was almost empty. "Lemonade's good."

"I know." Tulip agreed, checking on the food in the oven. The cheese was melting nicely so she closed the door and reclaimed her spot by the island. "Are you all packed for the trip."

"Just about," Niesha said after draining the last contents from her glass. "I had to Google what one needs for Lake Tahoe but I think I cover all my bases with two suitcases."

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